General Discussion

General DiscussionMost popular/successful lane partners/teammates?

Most popular/successful lane partners/teammates? in General Discussion

    Is there an area of the site where I could view not only counters to a hero but potential synergies with teammates?

    If not, it would be quite neat right?


      If you are just curious about lane matchups,

      Although, lane synergies don't matter at all in low mmr games. It's more detrimental, as you try to play unfamiliar heroes and perform worse.

      p.s. Easiest lane synergy is stun + dps.


        Lane synergies don't matter in low mmr games? That's a joke, right? You don't even need to know that a Jugg/CM pairing is cancer to make that synergy work. This is in the same line of thinking that says matchups don't matter in low MMR. So you last pick Phantom Lancer into Underlord and get 7 last hits in the first 5 minutes and have 15 last hits at 10 minutes. Heroes and Counters, for the most part, don't work because of the rank of the player but because of the skill sets of the heroes. Sure, higher skill players will be able to better utilize matchups and synergies but those things come from the heroes, not the players.


          how the fuck would lane synergize in sub1K mmr where most people don't even know the mana cost, let alone the names of their spells


            Boy you can think what you want, but lane synergies don't matter in low mmr at all.

            The idea of lane synergy is to dominate the lane, reach power spike quickly and control the map. Lane synergy matters when the laning stage has effect on the outcome of the game. At low mmr, the outcome of game is rarely based on the 9 mins of laning. Lane synergy, Lane matchup don't mean shit in low mmr, no matter what you say. I played in guardian, I climbed out of it, all I did was just watch my own replays, learn where I sucked, and worked on it. Didn't care If I win/lose, or how my teammates played, just made sure I was not repeating my mistakes.

            The problem here is, refusing to acknowledge that you are bad at the game, can't improve at something if you don't even accept that you are bad at it.

            Memory from one of the archon games:
            I still distinctly remember getting flamed for dumping points in dispersion to be tanky in lane.
            "Dispersion doesn't make you tanky, it only returns damage like blademail. Look at this noob, he thinks dispersion makes spec tanky"
            The guy was not just ignorant, he was confident of his ignorance. He asked me to read and continued flaming, while the 1st line of description says
            "Damage done to Spectre is reflected on her enemies, leaving her unharmed."

            Conclusion: Players half the time don't even know what abilities do, let alone synergizing them.


              "Dispersion doesn't make you tanky, it only returns damage like blademail. Look at this noob, he thinks dispersion makes spec tanky"
              The guy was not just ignorant, he was confident of his ignorance. He asked me to read and continued flaming, while the 1st line of description says
              "Damage done to Spectre is reflected on her enemies, leaving her unharmed."

              Conclusion: Players half the time don't even know what abilities do, let alone synergizing them.

              For starters, thanks for simply ignoring everything I said. For starters, the guy probably doesnt play Spec, so your anecdote says little about laning in low mmr. Secondly, the only reason why laning matters less in low mmr is that lots of people there find laning boring so they can get to what they see as the fun part of a dota game. This is why you see lane dominating supports show up to lane with only brown boots (yes, I realize you actually start with brown boots on a few supports but starting them on something like Crystal Maiden is just griefing).

              And you are simply wrong about laning. I just checked out my last 50 games and of those games 11 had an even lane and 39 had a farm advantage of at least 4 percent. Of those 39 games the team with a farm advantage of at least 4 percent won 30 and lost 9 of them. HOWEVER, in two of those games the winning team had a smurf and was on the side of the team with a lane disadvantage, so those two don't mean anything. Further, two of those games went very long and the team that lost had a 99 percent win chance and completely threw the game very late so those two also don't count. Therefore, of my last legitimate 35 games where one team had a distinct advantage at 9 minutes the team with the advantage won 30 times and lost 5 times. So, you are completely and objectively wrong in stating that laning rarely affects the outcome of the game in low mmr.

              Also, I pretty much play hard support and if you have a core that's griefing there's very little you can do about it. Since lane pressure is so weak in low mmr you can still get last hits if you are with a support Lion who starts with no items. I've had several games where I've queued up with a friend only to find that one of their other friends in the queue is an Immortal. Here's a direct quote from an Immortal - "supports aren't usually as active as you until you hit Legend". My one flaw is that I get extremely frustrated at the semi griefing that regularly happens at my rank, e.g. Anti Mage showing up to my lane with no items, 600 gold and not buying anything for the first ten minutes.

              And, again, a lot of synergies simply come from the skill sets of the respective heroes. You don't even have to know about the synergies in order for them to work. CM/Jugg simply synergizes as a byproduct of the heroes skill sets and the only way to *not* get a synergy in that lane is if one of the players is griefing.


                Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. My last game had a Lina mid against Pudge mid and I had an Ursa carry. The Ursa had 400 games and no idea what he was doing as he didnt buy a stick against a lane that casts spells. My Lina gets obliterated mid and decides to run to my lane to get a kill. Since my Ursa isn't denying the lane is pushed under the offlane tower (yes, I had already pulled once into a double stack). The Lina dives tower and does nothing, so what does she do? As I'm pulling a stacked small camp to give the Ursa solo lane farm the Lina, who got annihilated mid decides to farm the small camp I stacked for the Ursa, so I leave the lane because I know there is nothing else I can do to salvage the lane for Ursa.

                The game after that, I have a mid Jugg and stomp because the enemy mid, Razor, starts the lane with brown boots. If that Razor brings actually legit starting items to lane the Jugg won't even be able to show himself in lane and the Razor will stomp the entire game.

                Why does this happen? Because A**holes like you tell these idiots that "anything works in low mmr". Hell, I feel dirty taking mmr off a Razor who thought it was good to start mid with brown boots. Why did that Razor think it good to start mid with brown boots? Becuause a**holes like you told him "anything works in low mmr". Does anything work in low mmr? Yeah, sure, until you play someone who follows basic guides from top players. "Anything works in low mmr"? Yeah, tell that to the support Jakiro who went brown boots into radiance. Yeah, that really worked in low mmr. Again, I appreciate the free mmr but what a miserable sh**show of a game. Why did that Jakiro think it was fine to build brown boots into radiance? Because a**holes like you told him that "anything works in low mmr". Why do my carries keep showing up to lane with no items? Because a**holes like you keep telling them that "anything works in low mmr".

                Stop saying "anything works in loww mmr" because say that phrase just makes you a lying a**hole.


                  Stop saying "anything works in loww mmr" because say that phrase just makes you a lying a**hole.

                  You feel that way cause you are herald. Once you actually improve and get good at game, then you see how bad heralds are at game.

                  You gave example of this game-

                  You went 0-14-13 on one of the bulkiest support.

                  1:19- stick
                  8:41- stick + brown boot
                  15:54- stick + arcane
                  27:33- stick + tranquil + arcane
                  39:27- force staff

                  Game length- 41:42

                  You blaming others for that loss. That's like the most typical low mmr thing.

                  I'd suggest, spend more time analyzing your own games rather than focusing on "how bad others are".

                  Again, no matter what your feelings say to you, "Nothing matters in low mmr". I know it's hard for your big ego to swallow it, cause then it means you spent 3000 hrs of your life, try harding at a game without having fun while not improving even a bit at it.

                  Most herald players I've met, gave on improving at game and just play dota for the fun of it. They don't care if they win/lose, they don't bother reading abilities, or wiki.

                  For starters, the guy probably doesnt play Spec, so your anecdote says little about laning in low mmr.

                  Not playing hero = losing your ability to read?
                  that says exactly all I want to say about laning in low mmr.


                    You went 0-14-13 on one of the bulkiest support.

                    Fine. You tell me what I did wrong that game. My mid Lina, who is a mid lane dominator, had half the net worth of the enemy mid and 4 deaths by 12 minutes. A Lina 1v1 against Pudge has only 3k net worth while the Pudge has 6k net worth. Three of my teammates don't even have stick against a lineup that uses a ton of active spells. Earth spirit rushes double bracers, support ES, and urn with no stick or boots.

                    4*23 Ursa is having a tough lane and I'm trying to get him to his level 5 power spike so I'm frontlining and trading with CK. CK/venge is a double stun lane with armor reduction. Outside of just sitting passively and soaking xp, I don't see how that death was avoidable
                    8*23 Mid is empty, so I go mid to get farm. A fed, fat as f***, Pudge gets an invis rune and kills me on my high ground. granted, I should have had a sentry but I was already pretty tilted at how the game was going.
                    10*41 I'm getting xp under safelane tower and the huge Pudge comes bottom. Lina, ES and myself all die.
                    11*50 Shaman uses his ult to kill me as I'm front lining for DP. I mean, is it really a big loss if a hard support gets killed by the other team using a huge ult?
                    16*22 I die behind t1 offlane to that same Pudge with my ES and DP just behind me - all of us have our Ults. At this point, DotaPlus gives dire a 91 percent win chance, so the supports either passively do nothing or they die. At this point, the game is probably already over.
                    19*50 I'm with DP and ES right in front of our base and the fed Pudge solo kills me. The DP actually kills Pudge so that death is a good trade.
                    22*14, I'm playing with my team at t2 mid and Pudge dives and kills me. Ursa kills Pudge, again, good trade.
                    23*19 I'm playing with Lina and DP. I try to save the DP from dying but there are 4 of them there. Again, at this point, I'm pretty much going to die unless I passively sit behind the t2s. At this point, DotaPlus gives dire a 97 percent win chance.
                    24*30 Ursa jumps Pudge by t2 with 4 of Dire around. I die trying to save him.
                    25*40 Pudge kills me while I'm trying to sneak wards into our bottom jungle. At this point, I can't leave base without dying. Lina is farming the lane right below me and I'm trying to get her some vision in the jungle above her so she doesnt get jumped.
                    28*35 We get aegis on Ursa and smoke into the enemy top jungle. All of us die.
                    29*59 A 16.5k net worth Pudge hooks me while I'm sitting behind my DP and Lina next to by mid racks. We do get the CK for the two supports
                    37*33 Die to pudge while playing with my entire team. Pudge has a 10k net worth lead on Ursa on 9k lead on DP.
                    41*30 Venge swaps me while I'm in fountain. Yeah, at this point I'm totally feeding.

                    TLDR bad lane matchup and a mid who got absolutely obliterated. Useless earth spirit


                      I would also point out that the lane felt *really* tough. Why? because Omni doesnt really do much for Ursa, simply by virtue of the two heroes' kits. The respective players don't even need to understand the synergies or matchups for them to work because those things are a function of the heroes' skill sets. We are also playing a double melee lane into a double stun lane with armor reduction and an enemy offlaner that does a lot of physical damage early on. If I play right next to Ursa, wave of terror will get us both. If I play completely behind him that gives CK a completely free lane. If I play up in front of him I have a good chance of dying due to the double stun and armor reduction. So, I decided to play super aggressive and try to get Ursa his farm.


                        With items, Ursa starts with 4 armor, 310 move speed and 58 damage. With items CK starts with 5 armor, 325 move speed and 86 damage. Further, 2 points of wave reduces ursa's armor to zero, so there is absolutely no chance Ursa trades in that lane. Since he can't trade there is very little chance of him hitting level 6 before CK, but he also won't be able to fight at level 6 because CK counters Ursa with his illusions. Omni like to play with two kinds of cores - ranged and melees that are trading early, e.g. CK. Omni doesn't really do much for an Ursa lane, now, does he, therefore Omni felt pretty useless in that lane? Why did he feel useless? Because of the lane synergies/matchups. So, it's absolutely false that synergies and matchups don't matter in low mmr because it's the kits of the heroes that provide those synergies and matchups.

                        TLDR, the lane was impossible from the pick phase and there was really not much I could do about it.

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          1) I'm not gonna bother reading triple wall of text.

                          the lane was impossible from the pick phase and there was really not much I could do about it.

                          2) I'll strictly address your lane.
                          - You know, you are at a disadvantage in a straight fight in that lane cause of the range hero and double stun. Instead of going max grace, just keep your grace level 1 for dispel and max your nuke.
                          - Your aim should've been to nuke the venge and drag her out of the lane, and force the lane to be a 1v1 for ursa. Then all you had to do was, keep healing ursa and force fight with venge and drag her away from lane.
                          Best case- Ck chases you along with venge- you drag them as far from lane so that ursa gets a free lane, then even if you die, it's worth it.
                          Worst case- Venge eats your harass and is laning at low hp, that forces her to play defensive.

                          The problem with Q harass was, it was predictable and it damaged/healed creeps. But, omni with the E spell joined the gang of meele support that can absolutely harass anyone from range in lane without ruining the lane equilibrium and you keep that spell lvl 1 for the whole laning stage.

                          Even with grace max, you can harass to some extent, but you went in the lane with just a stick, no offensive item. Grace max with no boots+orb = Dispel creep from chen.
                          Problem with your gameplay is you play like a total puss. You only play aggressive, when there's 0 risks.

                          All you did was just keep walking ahead, tanking without achieving anything.
                          Also, If I'm playing core and my support omni is walking in lane with 1 point in Q for 10 mins, that guy is getting reported for griefing.

                          So again my point still stands, Heralds don't have the capacity to read and understand how abilities work, and even if by some miracle they can read, they are clueless on how to use it efficiently. Ergo, nothing matters in low mmr.

                          Your ignorance is clouding your judgement, and I can't even blame you for that. You haven't seen a world beyond 1k by yourself, but you just saw videos of pro player, and you got this idea in your head that "that's easy, I can do that too, if my team doesn't hold me back".

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            Wrong bro. If you face against Lina in the enemy in your lane and she's pushing the wave, dont pull. You can see in top rank match, if they get double wave towards your tower, your tower is dead. What you should do as the support is instead try to trade hit and tank the Lina hits for your carry. That's why as a support you constantly buy regen items.
                            The difference between each bracket is mainly about mindset, the way you approach the game.



                              how does a 1v1 Ursa lane versus a CK? Seriously. CK has more armor and almost 30 more damage. Btw, i knew all this stuff in game. From the mechanics i knew Ursa had no idea what he was doing. I knew the lane was lost from the start and was trying to get ursa whatever farm i could get him. Was my skill build sub optimal? Maybe. I'm pretty sure my skill build had almost no impact on the outcome of that lane and the lane was won because of the lane composition.

                              The point is that lane composition matters regardless of rank because the interactions between the heroes is a function of the kits of the heroes, not the skill of the players. CK counters both ursa and omni in lane and thats why picks matter in low mmr. You know that braindead line "anything works in low mmr"? Yeah, it's not true. It's so not true that anyone offering that line isn't wrong, no, they are a lying motherf***er. Stop lying. Liars deserve to burn in hell forever.



                                Herald is full of people who don't want to win. Heralds are full of people whose goal in dota is their personal scoreline rather than winning. Such people would rather go 20 and 1 in one game and 1 in 20 in the next than win two games. Why do you think I get games with someone whose account has normal items on cores but absurd items on support? Those people dont want to rank up. Those people want to get a bunch of kills when they are playing core and they want to screw around when they are playing support. I'm playing with a bunch of people who want to stay herald because they can go 20 and 2 in ten percent of their games. That's what dominates herald bracket.

                                Herald is full of people who just care about their personal scoreline, regardless of winning, and people like yourself perpetrate that mindset.

                                Baki 192 cm, 21 cm, 94 kg...

                                  Dude herald is equivalent to playing against medium bots wtf are u even talking about. Let me play 10 gmaes on your acc I will win all of them with 30+ kills and 0-3 deaths just farming everyone.

                                  Baki 192 cm, 21 cm, 94 kg...

                                    Herald is full of peoiple that are really bad at dota. Thats it period. End of sentence. U talk like herald is super special bracket where ur a good player and the reason u cant win is because most people are ruining games so they can stay Herald. No, its just a shit low MMR bracket where its the easiest to win cause u play vs literal bots that u can kill all game if u know anything about dota.


                                      @I was a reject

                                      Yeah, at least a third of herald players deliberately ruin games so they can stay in Herald and have the occasional game where they go 20 and 2. I've had many admit that to me. Define "bad at dota". is a jakiro with 6k games who rushes radiance "bad at dota"? Of course not. Same account has a bunch of carry and mid games with completely normal item builds. Herald is full of people who throw when they don't get the role they want and get a ton of kills when they get the role they do want. Those third of herald players would rather go 20 and 2 and lose than 2 and 20 and win.

                                      This is not rocket science.

                                      Baki 192 cm, 21 cm, 94 kg...

                                        There is ruiners in higher brackets too. I know cause I ruin all the time :)