General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked confidence

Ranked confidence in General Discussion

    1% per win? or it goes up the more games you win?


      i started with 27% ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      after 1 game: 29%

      after 2 games: 32% (+2k mmr after 2 games loss)

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      chill and play

        Should play rank right now or wait for 1 week??


          I guess it goes up as you near the 30 percent, games are fun when you play your role still. When play other role its like new game


            Everyone has a different situation with confidence: for someone it starts at 20+%, for someone with 0%.
            Personally, I had 2500, calibration started at 26%, I played three games: I won one, I lost two. Got 3700 :)
            As for adding percentages, 1-3 percent is most often given. Good luck!

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            El Dictador

              It had been a year without playing dota. I am downgrading from Legend/Archon 5 to Crusader 1.

              The last few months I had reached Archon 3 and last month I went down to Crusader 4 in a VERY bad streak. The last week I had recovered those 400 mmr lost and had parked myself close to 2400 MMR.

              Now I calibrate in 3 games, my MMR went up to around 400 although in the second game I was playing in a range of approx 3100 mmr, that game got lost and I shot at the 2800 mmr range.

              From there: 2825 of mmr, confidence 30%. 3 more games, 1 lose, 2 wins: 39% confidence.

              u suck kid

                i just jumped from 45% to 52% lol, took me 3-4 games to calibrate ancient 2 and now i'm almost divine

                davy jones

                  i staterd at 0% played 4 games 3-1 stats 6% only

                  give my best

                    what happened when u got 100% confidence? u can recalibrate?

                    Unkillable demon king

                      maybe auto change rank ? (to someone boost mmr before.. then change to your current skill mmr)

                      if rank confident acchive 100% ?


                        What is this bullshit. I used to be 3500 mmr before the patch.. I played 16 games for calibration 12 win - 4 loses.. most of the games i was mvp if that fucking matter. And i got Archon 1 (3400mmr) :D


                          lol i went 9-16 and i gained almost 600 mmr

                          7680 - 8240

                          Games were hard as shit though with rank 1-10 pros as the highest mmr always.

                          I can conclude this calibration is performance based on your role, you might surely get +1000 at high winrate


                            Somehow I went from Herald to Crusader(500mmr-2000mmr) in 3 matches post patch release xD Games are wayyy easier to carry now and people dont grief that much when you refuse to join feed fest early game as a carry. Supports are still buying carry items though and there is no conscious effort to keep focus away from safelane. Cant complain much tho.. Herald bracket is Cancer.

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                              From Divine got legend 4, played 2 match double win. Second account was my wife acc, Had 1800 MMR got 3000 WTF IDK Really :D :D :D


                                i was around 1900 - 2100 b4 update, after i recalibrated i got 2950

                                Ks7a -

                                  I have 94% confidence !! what happen if it became 100%?


                                    You will become immortal


                                      my rank confidence still 0% after play 4 game w3 - l1

                                      my pre rank is ancient 3 right now im playing with ancient 4 - divine 2 bracket

                                      what's happenning with my RC ? T _ T


                                        Played about 15 games to get the 30% Went from divine 5 to ancient 1. Had not played ranked in 4months. 1500 mmr loss sadge.


                                          Well this is pretty accurate cos I was legend 1 lmao trying muerta carry and regained whole mmr lost during calibration

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                                          El Dictador

                                            What I understand from the system is: when you are at 100% the system will say that you are reliable, and the profit or loss will not be THAT pronounced.

                                            MMR-SKILL-confidence-conduct are the factors for matchmaking. When you're at full confidence he'll put you up with players who play as often as you do, in your MMR and skill and who are also on similar streaks.

                                            Players with losing streaks should not touch you if you are at 100% and the MMR per game has to be at 25 mmr.

                                            In the event that these games are difficult for you because you would be playing with active players with good earnings, stopping playing for a while, easier games should appear without the need to simply drop a medal, but within a similar dota "level".


                                              The more you play the more accurate it will be. Ranks depends on how active you play too and I can imagine the confidence to drop down when you don´t play often and it will start recalibrating again after a while. You will not be 4k or 1k forever like before. You can be 4k and become 1k after a while of not playing and then play shit. But you will be able to climb really fast from 1k if you perform really good. This system is good and there is a reason why so many games use this. It will be some rough games at the start but give it a month or two and you will see people. Games like CSGO and probably SC2 have this system and I have always got the right rank and skill cap in those games. Dota2 however was a big mess unless you played core and hard carry. As main support, semi supports it was impossible to climb since the whole game was centered around core and hard carries. But this system and and with the new patch it will now be more around each individual player performing to be able to climb.


                                                i was ancient 4 recalibrated legend 3 love this new rank system lol


                                                  My rank confidence went +1% without me doing anything LOL.
                                                  I last checked that thing on patch release, it showed 11%, loaded dota today directly after that day, it's 12%.


                                                    If your rank confidence goes below 30% do you go back to uncalibrated? Or do you maintain your mmr medal just with a wider range of players in your next match?

                                                    Prebet lorenk

                                                      what if i use the account recalibrate that have cooldown 1 year in the account setting, did my rank confidence become 0% from 100%? and one thing i realize when i not reach 100% rank confidence it more likely i wil end up team with griefer player who not even trying to play and basically 5 stack man who have losing streak and i losing streak like 7-8 game. after reach 100% confidence i got very nice team and having a streak win currently


                                                        Guys i didint play dota for 3 months, i was ancinent 1
                                                        I start playing this new calibration
                                                        At begining valve put me with crusaders , now my score is 12-4 and im on 16% confidence, curently playing matches with legend 2
                                                        Im getting 1% per game

                                                        streaming-chan (160ping)

                                                          MM in this game seems so fucking bad now, does anything actually work as intended?


                                                            I got queue times upwards of 5 minutes, now 16 minutes in normal all pick. Thanks again valve

                                                            Little Bacon

                                                              ive played over 20 games still havent reach 30%... it was at 0%, playing at extremely low level guardian to crusader