General Discussion

General Discussionarchon is a new herald

archon is a new herald in General Discussion
2K Diaries

    too many herald got archon after recalibration. support and hard support pick carry hero, mid afk farm got item and die without do anything. also legend are idiot


      As if there ever was a difference


        45% winrate talking KEKW

        2K Diaries

          @legend = nEW herald, just old account just play for fun with many abandon thats why

          wisp core

            How you even talk with 45% WR

            2K Diaries

              @P9^ another idiot :D

              холи молли

                lol, you left 2 games and say something about others)))

                холи молли

                  average trash player on low mmr))

                  o`hanra hanrahan

                    Might be. But i just had a game where a Invoker mid goes 0/3 against a sniper and then just ragequits... what can you do. Its -27mmr guaranteed. Its impossible to win games in Archon. In Crusader its just the picks that are aids and cancer. But in Archon its beyond that, its griefing to another level. I honestly prefered Crusader, atleast they didnt ragequit at 6 minutes with going 0/3 against a sniper. Holy shit, fuck Archon bracket, literally cancer feels better then being in Archon i think. And no, i dont have a shitty 40% winrate, i have a 52% winrate so that shit is not it.


                      Most people were at one point archon and climbed out, its just a grind. If you play 2/3 or higher impact supports you're gonna be less dependent on your team to win. Maybe try a region switch if you really have to. Its not like ping actually matters at that level

                      zoi | hoodi

                        What was the Germans' reaction because they've been holding out for 40% haven't they?

                        Some Be

                          thats not about winrates bcuz as he said just old account and play for fun. so it means he has other account that high mmr i think. correct me if i wrong

                          Some Be

                            read first before react. herald brains. yoo many idiot here, act like a pro instead of fucking nonsense comments , better give him advice or help him to improve


                              I practically never talk on here anymore, but this was genuinely hilarious.

                              OP got triggered by the comments here so much that he quite literally logged onto another alt pretending to be another person to defend himself.

                              If it wasnt apparent enough from his English, both accounts play south korea server, and both have his main account as the only friend in their fl.


                                And here I was celebrating becoming Archon. Is any bracket good at all?


                                  If you keep a positive mentality, all the brackets are nice. Just enjoy playing the video game and don't let people ruin your fun



                                    How can u sure


                                      because you are archon


                                        @Mayhem got ban?

                                          Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                          u suck kid

                                            i been saying ancient is the new herald. either get gigachad players or beta cucks that bend over and let the enemy fuqq em in the ass


                                              dudes trippn nowdays xd


                                                i been saying divine is the new herald. either get gigachad players or beta cucks that bend over and let the enemy fuqq em in the ass

                                                Player 99091656
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