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38 commenti

    " As a LoL player I want to learn Dota 2 So I can play any hero" ouch

    "As a LoL player I want to learn Dota 2 So I can use a real client" SAVAGE


      We have fun here


        I think after Reborn its more usefull to make a guide how to transfer to LoL from Dota. Ty.


          Dota is better than LOL, you better switch.


            As a LoL player I want to switch to Dota so I can be introduced to the newest client bugs.


              Well I loled


                I think there's still a bit of work about the hero suggestion. I tryed 4 times, and out of them, here are the result of the number of dota hero i like to play out of the pool suggested:
                I tryed with 6 favorite ad (was almost only playing that) --> 0 hero in dota that i like were suggested.
                I tryed then with kogmaw + mf + 4 offtank i like, or a bit of ap/ad or my top 10 etc...
                result : 0-0-1-2.

                I can detail my 5th test:
                picked: anivia, gankplank, kogmaw, mf, shaco, tryndamere, twitch and wukong
                suggested: clinkz, bounty, viper, venom, techies, kunka, abadon, winter wivern
                Why the fuck do i have 2 (up to 5) support, while i picked 0 support to begin with ?

                Weirdly if i remove twitch for the picked list (so a hard carry !!!!)
                suggested heroes become: venom techies, jugg, winterwyvern, abadon, kunka, pl, clinkz.
                Why the fuck do i have more carry in suggested, after removing a carry ??

                Btw panda, you missed your point, it's:
                Dota is better than LOL, and LOL player cann't deny it xD

                Oh, and while i'm getting serious again, techies has 0 star in pusher, that's seems pretty wrong

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  "As a LoL player I want to learn Dota 2 So I can forget Teemo"

                  Then you play against the most turtly Hero around, making you actually nostalgic for that poison-darting, mushroom-placing bastard.


                    I have played both games, and to be honest, i'm getting pretty mixed results here. Xerath and Razor? Razor is a mid game ganker who deals a majority of his damage with stolen attack damage, Xerath is a late game mage nuker (Something nearly absent from Dota) Nasus and Sand King???? OKAY THAT IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE THAT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL! Nasus is known for sitting in lane and farming all day, he is a hyper hyper hyper late game tank/carry, Sand King is a support. Legion Commander and Leona? Leona is a support that builds ability power to deal damage with her abilities, Legion Commander is a hard carry that snowballs off of duel damage.


                      That site is high quality as fuck. Really well done dotabuff, nice job.

                      Sorry I noob

                        Well I wont say Switch to Dota. I would say If you are already shit, slow hand and kiddish in lol pls dont come in dota to ruin games. If you are v good in lol, interested in strategies, quick mind, and wanna tryout more difficulties with perfection u can join dota and Dota needs only that kind of players


                          "As a LoL player I want to learn Dota 2 So I can forget Teemo"

                          "As a LoL player, I want to learn Dota 2 So I can troll with Techies"

                          Forsaking one troll for another


                            LoL is for amateurs


                              no, it's just a way different way between dota and lol.
                              The main one is that in lol you have to MASTER to the perfection a few skill, while in dota you have to be good (not perfect) in a very wide amount of skill


                                If you need help with translation to Polish i can do it for you ^_^

                                Great Explosion Murder God

                                  ALLIANCE ARE BACK

                                  im so bad at artifact

                                    I love the "As a LoL player I want to learn Dota 2 So I can use a real client"
                                    As if reborn is a real client lmao

                                    El Flashbango

                                      aaaaaaaaaayyyyy finally giving some love to The Sexiest Voice in Dota and his opus magnum. about time!


                                        this site is only about giving suggestion to ppl, u guys dont have to follow, some of them even named wrong the role of heroes, 100% heroes are free, just pick as u want. Trust me, with 2000+ matches i have played, its surely different from those suggestions


                                          LOL IS BEST THAN DOTO(SHIT) :):) Cyka

                                          William Fontaine Dauterive

                                            I think a huge oversight that wasn't mentioned in the "Before you play" section was that AP doesn't exist. ADC items don't increase your damage if you are an ADC. Also, your abilities don't get stronger based on the items you have (except items like: Veil of Discord, or Aghanim's Scepter.) This adds a dynamic to the game that makes some heroes playable even with a lack of items and helps determine who has farm priority. It also makes certain heroes really strong early game but fall-off late game.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              the site is great, but the hero suggestions aren't the best, while I haven't played much LoL I do know most of the champions and can say with complete honestly that
                                              Tiny is nothing like thresh, a more fitting hero would be Pudge
                                              Razor is nothing like Xerath, a more fitting hero would be Lina
                                              Pugna is nothing like Teemo or Fiddlesticks, more fitting heroes would be Techies or Sniper
                                              I enjoyed toying around with this website, but it needs a bit of work. Other than that it was really fun and interesting to see who compares in Dota to LoL


                                                Truth be told by how reborn is working lately I can't say I could suggest to anyone to switch to dota. So whoever wrote those changing one liners should get laughed at

                                                pura pura

                                                  dota shit game , lol is better, and yes i say it becuz i dont want Lol trash

                                                  Bal Narendra

                                                    Gonna reverse this shit and learn LoL from dota.


                                                      all the LOL kids can suck my deek! , dota is life !

                                                      IT IS I , DIO!!!

                                                        ive played both dota 2 and Lol. League for around 400 hrs gameplay time and dota for around 900. I checked out this.....thingy.... and the results were quite pleasing. I chose the champs i'm most comfortable playing with and clicked suggest, and viola! out of the 8 heroes suggested to me 6 of them were my most successful in dota. Pretty neat if i dare say so myself. :)


                                                          Just one little thing, hovering over the intelligence icon for dota 2 hero cards, it says primary attribute: intellect, instead of intelligence, maybe this was to make it more concise or maybe you thought lol players wouldn't understand intelligence as a concept (jk lol guys), but just in case it was a mistake


                                                            Dota is the game full of peenoise and peruvian and russian and kind of that . LoL is full of the kiddo and underaged-boy. Yea , may someone suggest me what to do then?


                                                              Stop playing

                                                              Derp's missing tax files

                                                                Currently the Enchanted Mango only has a 37.94% win rate. Although it is a challenge, together the Dota 2 Community has the ability to fix this tragedy. Please help. As gamers, we can make Dota 2 a better place.


                                                                  lmao dota > lol


                                                                    " the new Reborn game client with custom games, the hype is definitely real." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL joke of d decade. Assholes fix d shitty bugs 1st


                                                                      nt much interested playing "REBORN". fucking pings, bull shit servers, shitty game crash, connecting to dota 2 game co-ordinators and SAFE TO LEAVE under POOR conditions....... so OVERALL fuck d person who made d game 'REBORN' and every1 who r al maintaining it.


                                                                        GUIDE FOR NAABS (;

                                                                        Bisu-Fan (RIP KB24)

                                                                          none of the new champions. i have a friend who exclusively plays illaoi rip


                                                                            if you're new to dota, just play limited heroes mode.

                                                                            wait, we dont have it anymore?

                                                                            Red sus

                                                                              Well it's 2019 and I was so bored and tried play LoL... Unpopular opinion but, LoL is harder than Dota 2 due to different mechanics from previous patches (eg Runepages). But I started playing LoL at early January 2019 compared to Dota 2 which was started like two days after EG won TI5, so it's still early to conclude about the difficulties between them.

                                                                              Now I'm playing both games equally while managed to get some calibrating ranked matches up on my sleeves. Expected to get Silver (like almost to median elo), I got bronze instead. Meanwhile, I'm recalibrating Dota 2 rank and I'm matching up with players of an average of Archon VI, and my previous rank was Archon II, surprisingly. Is playing LoL improving my last hittings in Dota? hmm...

                                                                              P/S: Someone need to update about the introduction to Dota from LoL as new champs are released by the time I'm typing this... Pyke is a mixture of Slark and Bounty Hunter, Neeko's passive works like Morphling but with the right side talent tree of lv20, Sylas shares Rubick's ultimate but he steals enemy champions' ultimates only... Pretty much about it. Looking forward for the updates soon!!