About a year ago, 6.86 introduced Iron Talon and changes to the offlane’s lane structure, as an additional neutral camp was added to the Secret Shop. Players reacted to these changes and realized that the offlane, as it was at the time, wasn’t a sufficient lane anymore. Jungling with Iron Talon proved to be much more efficient. It led to a somewhat stale meta, where the early game would see a lot of safe farming with roamers focusing on the midlane. It allowed for more carry oriented offlaners, as a source of farm was always secured.
Fast forward to today: offlaners have changed not only in how they shape the game, but also in how they approach the laning stage. Not only do offlaners mostly stay in lane, dual offlanes become more and more popular. Contesting the farm of the enemy safelaner is a common trend and often quite successful. How did the offlane change so vastly within a year?
Several xp gain reworks have allowed the offlane to become what it is today. Ever since 6.87, ranged lane creeps make up for 40% of a creep wave’s xp and a reduced gold bounty on melee creeps meant that the ranged creep provides relatively more gold as well.
This change allows offlaners to be more sustainable, as a single lasthit on a ranged creep is that much more valuable. In that same vein, 6.87b introduced a change that still provides 20% of a creep’s experience, if that creep has been killed by a neutral creep. This change rewards contesting pulls much more and helps sustain dual lanes in their xp gain.
As a result, it’s not uncommon to have a support babysit the offlaner for the first 3-4 levels, after which the offlaner can be self-sufficient. It allows for good levels on both the support and the offlaner and with popular picks these days, there is a lot of kill potential as well.
Sand King,
Timbersaw--these are just some of the currently most popular offlaners in the pro scene. All heroes benefit from the available farm, are difficult to kill or have high kill potential themselves. Most of them in fact don’t even need much farm to be effective in the first place. Experience alone can do wonders for many of them.
The question remains though, why are play- and spacemakers now predominantly played in the offlane?
Over the years, farming patterns have been refined and players have found ways to farm as efficiently as possible from the first minute onwards. In pro games, supports naturally will stack camps during rotiations and carries will farm even between creepwaves. For the longest time now, Dota has moved on from the traditional single hardcarry, to a setup that allows multiple cores to be active within a team.
Changes in 6.84 added to this trend by balancing out AoE kill bounties and distributing it more evenly for the ganking heroes. These changes would spark the teamfight meta that was established at the Frankfurt Major and is still prevalent today.
The availability of farm in itself did however not drive out classic gankers and nukers. Heroes like Storm Spirit are still very much popular and successful as midlaners, though his former rivals, such as Queen of Pain, are nowhere to be seen right now.
Following the conclusion of TI5, Icefrog has introduced several ways to deal with pesky midlaners that could burst down anybody. The likes of Leshrac and
Lina were popular despite the introduction of items such as
Glimmer Cape, so several nerfs to them and buffs to physical DPS cores were imminent.
Physical damage has always scaled better than magic damage, mostly because it is not reliant on a finite resource such as mana. It also isn’t particularly reliant on hitting or chaining your abilities properly and as neutral creeps have received an increase in their magic resistance, it is also more efficient to farm with physical damage.
Physical damage remains the primary tool to take objectives with and in return map control, which is why heroes that rely on magic burst have fallen off the radar. As a result, midlaners are now often traditional carries, rather than heavy gankers, like Alchemist,
Medusa or
The final nail in the coffin for such gankers was the trend towards tanky cores. The aforementioned heroes are all difficult to kill due to their abilities and stats. Teamfights are more drawn out and surviving an engagement long enough to get abilities and attacks out is crucial. The likes of Queen of Pain and Lina are easily locked down and killed.
Pubs have adopted some of the trends, most certainly when it comes to picks. Heroes like Phantom Assassin or Juggernaut are popular picks in the midlane after all. Still, the offlane doesn’t always see the same treatment in pubs as it does in pro games. The midlane still suffers from active roamers early on and the offlane often is alone against up to three heroes.
Regardless, be it pub or pro, picking up an Iron Talon to jungle with is only an alternative these days, not the go to strategy.
1st. ^3^
third is not for thee
they should nerf iron talon tbh. even if you go 0-3 you can just buy a talon and go jungle for 5 mins and fight the 3-0 guy on equal footing, even more so on your favor because if you kill him you get a bigger gold reward then him killing you
Sauce good read
edit: as a offlane player myself, this blog post is spot on
7 th
8th rofl
9th bruh
10th :v go party 5 vs 5 :v
11th can I be the coach!?
Nerf Warlocks's Fatal Bonds to a constant 25 sec. cooldown and nerf Mirana Aghanim's Scepter Starstorm Interval to 11 sec. to make it more balanced and tweak without even destroying the hero :P xd
Warlock is not that good, and Mirana is already dead.
At the time I chose PA for mid, mostly laughed at me or reported me...
Offlane should change name to Second safe lane.
To answer the question: "The question remains though, why are play- and spacemakers now predominantly played in the offlane?"
They've almost always been in the offlane, not just all of a sudden, here's why:
In short, you want the guy thats going to be leaving lane to make plays/space to be in the lane that technically matters the least that way their lack of presence resulting in a lost tower doesnt effect your map control that much, while simultaneously making the farm safer for anyone to go to that lane and farm creeps under t2. The offlane t1 isnt that big of a deal, it doesnt effect your jungle farm like losing a t1 in safe lane does, it doesnt get you closer to rosh pit, and it doesnt help you control top rune.
ez .
holy cow, not the offlane please..
talon needs some nerf
Nuuuu dont nerf talooonn xD its perfectly balanced
I actually preferred the old offlane, before iron talon. You had to know the hiding spots in the jungle, and how to leech XP!
@Sorrowheezy that is true for the radiant offlane tower but the dire offlane tower is pretty important for rosh control
He need some milk!
Jakiro will return
*dramtic music!*
'Physical damage has always scaled better than magic damage, mostly because it is not reliant on a finite resource such as mana. It also isn’t particularly reliant on hitting or chaining your abilities properly'
These arguments seem like bullshit to me. Physical damage scales harder because you can buy attackspeed AND damage quite freely, whereas improving spells is limited to specific items that provide benefits which don't stack as hard as attack+damage.
Nerf Donald dazzle
очень хорошая статья