Amount of games != skill in Valve MM.
If you play really well 10-15 first games, you can easily get into very very high MM.
Another factor is that noone plays solo so in order to make a game of some sort it takes player from a margin too wide.
i made a smurf, bearman2k13, just playing with irls.
I got 6 wins and 4 loses. Im playing vs guys with 400 wins, logic wtf?
Yes Solo Que is flawed, but so is Public MM.
There are 2 different Mmr.
There is a Solo que mmr, and public mmr.
Also notice how you're Orange in every game, in Solo Que
Color shows skills(It is precise not 100% accurate of course) IN SOLO QUE ONLY.
Orange being the best player on Radiant, and blue being worst.
Brown being best on Dire, and pink being worst.
I played over 100 Solo que matches, the first 60 games were easy, I won like 68% of the time. But my last few games I've been getting the most retarded noobs in my team.
In the end, Solo que is still much better for people that play dota solo compared to Public MM.
Pretty sure that if colors actually mean something, blue and pink are the BEST. If you had played CM (aka legit DOTA) would have noticed that pink and blue are the captains.
@ #HNB I have played CM mode and yes Captains are usually Blue & Pink.
If you tried solo que for like 20 rounds, you'll see the difference in skills just by looking at the color as I've mentioned.
Hmm just noticed that, and took a look at my last 6 games. I'm either at the top of Radiant or top of Dire, which I think is blue and pink?
I'm with HnB with this one. I was most certainly not the worst player in those games. I was also with one other teammate, and he is definitely not better.
So? How do you know what I'm going to play? Look at my win rates. You think with Rubick or Riki I'm as good as I'm with Nyx or Disruptor?
look at my last games, played with tards, I lost appetite to play dota for few days again....
@IlVers I meant color meant skills in SOLO QUE only. Not Public MM.
@SleepwalkeR it is possible for someone with less games to be better than someone 1000+ games, hence the point of smurfs.
Oh I see.
I agree that the mm in Dota is far from ideal, but I'm sure they know it as well. It will take time to get a good system going. Come on it just got out of beta. Things can only go uphill from now on (I hope)
Color shows skills(It is precise not 100% accurate of course) IN SOLO QUE ONLY
----its random just like match maker
Like 1 week ago I played a solo MM
My mid was a Pudge who had 1 win
1 fucking win
He was a LoL player
We lost.
I must've got lucky for being brown and orange in like 75% of my solo que games then.
Can only assume you're Blue most of the time.
I can't stand the fact that in ALMOST EVERY OTHER GAME I am in has players who disconnect/leave. I also keep getting paired with the type of players, for example, who stack Necro's Sadist over his Death Pulse -_______-
Perhaps it is because I only solo queue? Either way Match Making is not conducive to solo players who have a lot of dota experience, yet somehow get bogged down and stuck with clueless fools, therefore, creating this trap.
ALSO, I think it would help if there was a recommended skill build next to the recommended items build so players who don't know what they are doing gain more of an idea.
Lastly, make it an option to reset stats completely if one so chooses. It might help with minimizing the overabundance of "smurf" accounts from being created.
Nothing changed. Just played another round of random draft with completely incompetent pieces of shit. I played disruptor, of course lastpick because the other 4 braindead players chose hardfuckingcarries and axe. That was no where near a matchup between balanced players. Also fun I had to play mid against a 2300 games player (I outplayed him though).
Still: Where again was that system balaned if it puts me against such a player? I mean, wtf?
How do I deserve that? I'm not bad for my level and yet, this?! What the fuck man I've never seen anything like that :(
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so i decided to play some solo mm games today and i noticed that ppls with 10-30 games get matched into games with/against me
everyone 600+ games and there one guy in enemy team with 200
next game same guy with 200 games + other guy with 60 games in enemy team while rest has 600+ games minimum
14 and 41 game noobs in my team again while enemy team has 600+ games each minimum
same 14 games noob again in next game
is solo mm broken ?