General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    U wot m8
    G- good KDA for pa in 2 games lmfao
    B- still high bracket as Smurf rofl

    Grats Vrok on your thread and post
    Good first person I've seen have 100% kill participation as a win and is V-God
    Bad not all records are won games!!

    Questo commento è stato modificato

      G : omg a support player...rare

      B : viper player :(

      U wot m8?

        ass licking fake asian

        Friends with everyone <3

          G: Nice kda promising start
          B: 126 games and most played riki
          you are what is wrong with dota xDD

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            + Furion, Zeus

            - Scourge win rate


              G: 3k kills with TA
              B: playing annoying heros, viper brew drow


                G: Pretty cool KDAs on some of your most played heroes.
                B: normal skill

                playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                  We've hit the 10k mark!


                    G-good ember
                    B-your puck


                      Good: Nice general stats, shows you are continuously improving.

                      Bad: Question mark avatar. 12 games long loss streak.


                        Good: Support player

                        Bad: LICH PICKER and wtf is with that necro winrate


                          G: High KDA's and winrates on carries
                          B: Doesn't support

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            g: versatile player, it seems u play any hero very well :p

                            b: maybe smurf with <50% winrate


                              G: Win rate for most top heroes

                              B: Invoker KDA

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                G: seems like you are a top support player people would love to have you in any team and pretty versatile with all heroes
                                B: rubick most played yet kda under 2


                                  good: Brewmaster winrate & KDA, Storm Spirit
                                  bad: Invoker winrate, Bloodseeker KDA

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    + DP, TA, Aba

                                    - Scourge win rate


                                      + good KDA and winrate on pudge and invoker despite the number of matches played

                                      - try to use different heroes often


                                        + Solid winrate and KDA with TA
                                        - Holy damn that AM

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          Again I get skipped

                                          Make love, not flame

                                            Don't worry I'll fix it.
                                            G: played a lot of cm, great kdas
                                            B: stopped playing cm - scared to meet me obviously :-D

                                            G:your Justin Timberlake seems wicked
                                            B:maxing that pudge


                                              G: nice winrate

                                              B: razor

                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                  + Great support player, nice win rate

                                                  - Losing streak is too big

                                                  Sup m8

                                                    10k comments! We've hit a milestone.


                                                      + High winrates
                                                      - Low hero pool


                                                        G-you won 2 match with alch!! i personally think he suck but you manage to win with him not once, but twice in a rank game!
                                                        B-your top play hero has less then 50% win rate


                                                          Good: Plays support heroes and well distributed hero pool. over 10 cs with you record LH!
                                                          Bad: im not experienced enough to spot any! so :-)


                                                            G WD Most kills record with some fancy items
                                                            B Under 50% win ratio, keep working hard so you'll get over 50 and more!


                                                              good - lots of support heros
                                                              bad - no carries

                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                + Sven, DW

                                                                - KDAs, Smurf


                                                                  G: Mid player
                                                                  B: Some of your mid heros (૭ ఠ༬ఠ)૭


                                                                    G : Great man, great guru for newbs, axe can dunk so can u, can play support, a really experienced player with dat 6k games
                                                                    B : recently spamming sniper, snip snip, hahah


                                                                      G: many games, dunk master 3000
                                                                      b: 0% win rate south korea. worst drow in peru

                                                                      edit: fuck

                                                                      g: win rate + ember
                                                                      b: m e e p o, normal bracket, m e e p o

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato



                                                                          g: damn ur winrate on top heros, very high skill

                                                                          b: damn ur bounty, smurferino

                                                                          never toxic under any cir...

                                                                            g: earth spirit picker
                                                                            b: earth spirit picker


                                                                              G: Currently on a winningstreak
                                                                              B: Makes retarded threads on the forum + overall winrate + Pudge.


                                                                                G: 36 kills on a timbersaw
                                                                                B: Doesn't support much


                                                                                  g: variety of heros, trying to play earth? don't upgrade boots, go bottle instead :p

                                                                                  b: mana boots on earthspirit :(


                                                                                    g: amazing winrate on earth spirit

                                                                                    b: horrendous winrates on lion and pa


                                                                                      Good: winrates on Mirana, Lina, Crystal Maiden.

                                                                                      Bad: Mirana picker.

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        Good: He's zano
                                                                                        Bad: He's not Blunt


                                                                                          Good: Very high skill games and great winrate

                                                                                          Bad: Smurf


                                                                                            @Cornholio I can't be Blunt, I'm sharp.

                                                                                            ^ Good: 56% ranked winrate, should be out of normal skill soon!

                                                                                            Bad: Playing weird game modes won't get you out of there though.


                                                                                              G: support player, its rare
                                                                                              B: only 24kills record, but if you playing supports maybie its OK

                                                                                              kvasius # KSVM

                                                                                                G:Good KDA.
                                                                                                B:Welcome to Normal skill guys club, bro =D


                                                                                                  g: high winrate as support player

                                                                                                  b: low as carry, damn losing streak :/

                                                                                                  Smurf Stalker

                                                                                                    good: can use earth spirit (wut)
                                                                                                    bad: too short matches :D