General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G. nice balanced games on varieties of mid / carries

    B. where da luv for supports? (greedy player!)


      G: best viper EU. strong silencer, your win rate is rising
      B: viper is gay, low GPM/KDA

      edit: are you fucking kidding me

      G: VH, can actually play pudge, good na'ix, 11 loss streak like me :)
      B: aus, support bitch

      Questo commento è stato modificato
      Dune, the Desert Planet

        + Very good Weaver and Shadow Fiend

        - Sumurf. And not even a good one.

        Please earn mmr in a fair way.


          i just watch a lot of dota and play heaps of bot games. I've only played like 8 rank games anyway, what do you mean by earn mmr in a fair way? I play for fun

          G: boss TA + drow, VH
          B: EU, meanie, pls not pick invoker or silencer lol

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            G-been winning a lot of your match lately
            B-your timbersaw

            Giff me Wingman

              G: Decent winrate
              B: 4k trash


                Good: nothing tbh, maybe that u did play some good matches against ppl who play dota literally first time
                Bad: ur blunt and u know it


                  NO EARTH SPIRIT??

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    + Nice Brood and Phoneix, very nice Kaolin, strong winrate in ranked

                    - Normal skill, Visage and Luna have horrible winrate and KDA

                    kvasius # KSVM

                      G:Dat TA.
                      B:KDA on Drow=KDA on CM...


                        + support player
                        - low mmr


                          + meepo
                          - play on high skill/normal skill

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            G: experienced doto player with lots of number of matches. Plays mix of roles

                            B: tide winrate

                            artschool enthusiast

                              + Nice AM winrate I supposed?!

                              - Sub 50% ranked winrate.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                G: KDA ratios, winrates!!! man you are good
                                B: hate your top3 heros :)


                                  G: strong slark o-0

                                  B: must be tired of creating new accounts in order to abuse smurf detection )

                                  artschool enthusiast

                                    Sorry but I only have 2 accounts.
                                    This one is 7k and my main is master-race 6k first day of ranked calibration.


                                      G: Overall amazing player #ThemKDAsTHOU!

                                      B: a couple of heros with 1 or 2 games (could not find anything else xD)

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        G: Decent PA & Storm winrate
                                        B: 4k trash


                                          g - blunt, nice storm btw
                                          b- blunt


                                            g - is good for the hours you have

                                            b - might be a smurf


                                              good fairly good winrates and u seem to perform fairly well with every role, decent item builds on most games aswell
                                              bad you are quite a new player with only 150 wins and u are only in normal skill bracket but its understandable with only 150 wins so just keep playing

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                10k Kreygasm

                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                  Is there anything to say about this player?

                                                  Good: strong Geo

                                                  Bad: mr smurf

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    G: awesome player good wr and mmr
                                                    B: dsnt like me(( or tich me dotka((

                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                      G: Tiny master overlord

                                                      B: EU west winrate, normal skill

                                                      So not true! I answered your questions about Panda and I am willing to help you with anything DotA related. Just message me on Steam.

                                                      About my winrate, it's even higher actually. The original owner of this account had 204-208 score when he gave me this acc.

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        G: Belives in my Tony power
                                                        B: Thinks im normal skill


                                                          G: Likes buying blink dagger
                                                          B: top tier spammer and shitposter


                                                            Good: Pretty good top heroes and you seem like a solid mid player

                                                            Bad: Could use some work in winning in the later stages of the game I guess (maybe this has something to do with decision making?)


                                                              ^ Yeah, my decision making is horrible and I'm barely making any progress :x
                                                              G: I wish I had you on my ranked matches, nice support skills you got there
                                                              B: <50% ranked winrate


                                                                G: OMG DAT EMBER!!!!
                                                                B: lack of supports, i may not be the best guy to take advice from but playing supports will improve ur decisionmaking a lot.
                                                                it got me outta a skill bracket i was stuck at for ages


                                                                  G: sick ogre and lich winrate
                                                                  B: low winrate in general

                                                                  Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                                                                    G: pretty good with high impact heroes
                                                                    B: no support/wildly inconsistent


                                                                      Good: DAZZLEEE!!!!
                                                                      Bad: doesnt win much with friends


                                                                        Good: Good boy good player
                                                                        Bad: Probably still virgin :P


                                                                          G: Good carry play
                                                                          B: Bot matches

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                            Good: plays all roles, VHS, winrate

                                                                            Bad: Axe, Bone, average GPM/XPM


                                                                              g: TEMPLAR OMG , win rate ... fuck
                                                                              b: sf 50% :v

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                I commented on believer boy, now for Brutalis

                                                                                + Slark, ES, Spider

                                                                                - SWM, normal skill

                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                  God damn ppl you write too fast!

                                                                                  report my team:

                                                                                  + Nice NP, SK and Alchemist, plays Batrider

                                                                                  - Dies a lot [bad KDA]

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    + TA
                                                                                    - storm


                                                                                      G: That winrate yo
                                                                                      B: losing streak longer than winning streak


                                                                                        good - ember winrate
                                                                                        bad - can't find anything, just looking at your last games you made hex before refresher on Tide which is kinda meh

                                                                                        beyond imaginable

                                                                                          Good: Mastered Lanaya
                                                                                          Bad: iG.FERRURI.420

                                                                                            Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                                                                            solo offlane♛

                                                                                              G: ur latest matches (nice winrate)
                                                                                              B: WK - D:SAD

                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                G: B-God believer
                                                                                                B: Winrate, normal skill, Top heroes.


                                                                                                  G:nice (idk what to say since smurf)
                                                                                                  B: smurf

                                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                    Good: Supreme overlord god master 1337 Invoker, all other heroes are nice also

                                                                                                    Bad: doesn't play much ranked

                                                                                                    Are you real Yamateh btw?

                                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                      G: Waga smurf Kappa
                                                                                                      B: Shitty ass storm