General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: Play heroes with high mobility well, good winrate.
    B: Don't want/don't know how to play support

    nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

      G: Nice winrate
      B: 150 games? Ayy. So many unplayed btw

      queen's speech

        +good stat on top heroes
        - high skill, play more ranked


          G : Nice winrate and everything!
          B : Smruf

          haru yo koi

            G: Ember. 57% win rate.
            B: Invoker


              G: 6 Game winstreak!
              B: Low GPM i guess?


                G: Mix of carry and support :)
                B: 31 % veno win rate?

                @Long live CLQ dynasty
                1k last hits on PL, thats amazing

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  G: Good winrate
                  B: riki NotLikeThis


                    + : THAT UNDYING Win rate PogChamp Kreygasm

                    - : Storm winrate BibleThump

                    Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                      G: Good winrates on top played heroes
                      B: Top played heroes are cansur


                        Good support


                          G: legion stats
                          B: god damn smurf


                            G: Very decent ranked winrate for 500 games. You've essentially climbed 1.5k mmr in total (party+solo) since calibration (assuming avg +25).

                            B: Still normal skill.

                            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                              G: Winrate i guess?
                              B: Smurf :(


                                G: great supporting, do it well and often.
                                B: I guess stick to all pick, winrate 40% in other modes


                                  non popular heroes in pull, cool + winstreak
                                  non VHS in ranked


                                    G: Sick WW winrate
                                    B: Muted! Stahp being rude boi!

                                    el niño peruano

                                      G: VHS and a lot of games
                                      B: Winrate


                                        G: NOTHING
                                        B: FUCKING EARTH SPIRIT SPAMMER FUCK YOUJ!!11


                                          good : HOHO HAHA

                                          bad ; not 7k yet


                                            good - play more support, i think maybe it fits u better

                                            bad - you need to find love again

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              amazing io winrate
                                              stopped playing supports(

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                G: WW, support winrates
                                                B: Dies alot lately, poor KDA's


                                                  G: good carry/support player which is amazing.
                                                  B: nothing much actually


                                                    G: Winrate
                                                    B: Plays normal games


                                                      G: Very versatile
                                                      B: The slark win rate, he really is imba...

                                                      For the Benefit of Mr. Kite

                                                        G: You must be doing something right with Naga (70% in the last six months), taking into consideration you've been playing her regularly since day one.
                                                        B: Bad Luck Midas? :(

                                                        queen's speech

                                                          G: Nice Sand king, very good at him
                                                          B: Skardar spamer, even with lose streak

                                                          Kamzor Mard Turant Mile

                                                            G: em winrates and kda holy shit
                                                            B: fucking smurf go back to where you came from!!!

                                                            Mr. Nameless

                                                              G: Nice winrates on 6/10 top heroes that make up for the other 4, good wr with friends
                                                              B: ember, ta, sf, am winrates somehow low, cancer spirit spammer, low overall winrate(Below 50%) : the reason for all this i guess is SEA server

                                                              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                G: Hail Zeus
                                                                B: You should try to play different heroes if you wanna climb


                                                                  G: 4 kda and 66% wr on winterwivern, pretty nice
                                                                  B: no friends xD

                                                                  Inya :'D™

                                                                    G: Fellow Enigma fanboy ;)
                                                                    B: Even dirtier Pudge picker!


                                                                      G: Good support picker.

                                                                      B: Bad winrate as Dark Seer (36%)

                                                                      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                        G: Nice WR on top heroes, looks like you're on a good road
                                                                        B: Try different heroes !


                                                                          G: Nice support pos.5
                                                                          B: Try to play more carry heros

                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                            Good: nothing

                                                                            Bad: Smurf ruining people's games, 37% win rate in VHS... Come on.

                                                                            queen's speech

                                                                              G: a good player, rly 4.5k+
                                                                              B: DONT PLAY MY TA, ITS MY HERO


                                                                                G: A very good player (5-6k on your main, if i recall correctly. mhysa right?) . Is a TA lover too!~
                                                                                B: Played a bot match. Who even does that? wtf reported!


                                                                                  good : sea player, miss sea server :'

                                                                                  b: puta ina mo, cibai, dai ni ma , lan jiao


                                                                                    G: Invis carry legend :D
                                                                                    B: No love for supports :(


                                                                                      G: seems like you are a pretty versitile player
                                                                                      B: should play more ranked


                                                                                        Good: play riki
                                                                                        Bad : Riki's best GPM is good as my Best GPM. (kids act RTZ)

                                                                                        p/s :my best GPM is Invoker

                                                                                        Makima's dog
                                                                                          Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                                                                          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                                            What could i possibly say on a smurf?


                                                                                              G: WW player with so nice WR at VHS congrats!
                                                                                              B: Just support ? I guesS VHS isn't that frustrating as sup

                                                                                              Mr. Nameless

                                                                                                G: Nice abba,cm, terrorblade
                                                                                                B: Overall winrate<50% only 5 out of 10 top heroes have winrate over 50%, wtf is that zeus dude?

                                                                                                queen's speech

                                                                                                  G: nice zeus player
                                                                                                  B: normal skill


                                                                                                    g: kdas winrates i guess
                                                                                                    b:invoker stats on normal