General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: Really nice SF and Troll, also 60% winrate in ranked

    B: Normal skill... Just play tons of ranked with your better heroes and you will rise a lot in mmr.


      G: does have 10 FUCKING KDA ON WK OVER 40 GAMES

      B: Party mmr abuser 4HEAD


        Good: really high winrates with your top 2 most played heroes

        Bad you talk in memes and allcaps


          Good: Very versatile
          Bad: Normal skill

          Rektdalf the White

            G: Versatility among roles, decent gpm xpm on most heroes
            B: Didn't play 4 outta 5 heroes that were the latest addition to dota.


              WR, Veno...
              QoP, Lina,


                G: Good SF player (holy shit tho so many sf games)
                B: In HS bracket and below 50% winrate.


                  g : sea <3
                  b : Tinker winrate FeelsBadMan


                    g: top mmr player?, very good offlaner
                    b: lots of slardar+doom games in the past few months


                      good: nice kda ratio
                      bad: never plays support

                      Questo commento è stato modificato


                        G: Nice Support and KDA including few 1st Position heroes in Very High Skill Bracket. Keep it up for knowing your shit (Y)
                        B: Lack versitility and intentional 666 Highest Last hits as Jugger. Illuminati confirmed xD

                        Player 140591001

                          g: Nice Invoker + Miranna KDA and winrate
                          B:under 50% winrate overall


                            G: Great winrate!
                            B: You're probably way under your level for some weird reason );

                            queen's speech

                              G: Nothing > he play's LOL
                              B: go rito plz


                                G: Very nice winrates, KDAs - 100% TA over 14 games.
                                B: 2013-2015 No stats recorded, flexibility, need more games ;)

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  G: Interesting array of most played heroes with all decent KDA and winrates.
                                  B: Sub 50% winrate in VHS


                                    G: Horry SHiet that KOTL winrate and games played. And a nerfed Pubseeker :O (nice WR)
                                    B: Everyone has that 1 hero below 50% winrate on their most played heroes list... sad Io... (pubseeker picker)

                                    Kupi Raur

                                      G: Able to play Ember far better than I can.
                                      B: Only 56% on Spectre, smh.


                                        Good: You seem to have a decent winrate with mid heroes which is the position that i like
                                        Bad: 40% winrate with bristleback wat?


                                          Good : Is a plus user
                                          Bad : November 28 2015. 2wins 7loses


                                            @Superior Being

                                            G: Nice Position 2 player. Good W/R
                                            B: Should start learning more Pudge and Windrunner/ranger


                                              g: versatyle player, nice mirana plays
                                              b: too many pusher heroes and too little success rate

                                              haru yo koi

                                                G: Versatile, good KDAs
                                                B: Spiritbreaker


                                                  G : Overall a good ganker player
                                                  B : Need some practice with some ganker hero (Tusk + Tide)


                                                    g : his nickname remind me of pro player from Indonesia
                                                    b : SUP FTW

                                                    KEBAB MINDSET

                                                      g: nice wr and kda/
                                                      b: he lives near gypsies


                                                        @SICK SICK SICK

                                                        G: Good W/R ratio.
                                                        B: Stomper with Friends only in Russian Server. Easy Game


                                                          @Coventry Boy : Well, i actually came from there so yea .. maybe i'll be like that someday :D


                                                          G : Quite good as Invoker, u might have some quick reflexes there
                                                          B : Tried to follow BS meta, ends up horribly


                                                            G : Nice Support
                                                            B : Bad Hero Pool



                                                              G : Nice KDA of top played heroes

                                                              B : Lot of red dots in record lately


                                                                G: 55% winrate on Radiant, 80% winrate on Undying
                                                                B: Stays in No Stats Recorded matches; Mostly High Skill


                                                                  G: VHS
                                                                  B: overall 51% winrate

                                                                  Abdul-Aziz Abdulvakhabov
                                                                    Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                                                      G: none
                                                                      B: bet-promoting scrub XD

                                                                      queen's speech

                                                                        G: overall winrate
                                                                        B: 45-47% on top heroes


                                                                          G: Invoker
                                                                          B: Maybe brood, and probbly smurf.


                                                                            G: a lot of sf (my fav hero)
                                                                            B: still seems like a very mediocre sf after so many games. at HS you should really be able to push the hero to the limits and solo snowball tbh, many helm of dominator builds which is an indicator of no confidence farming, and i wouldn't even bother making mek at HS when you can just rape mid and kill everyone


                                                                              G: Pretty good winrate even though low amount of games played, keep that up.
                                                                              B: You've had pretty long gaps from playing :p

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                G: You main Enigma. That's freaking awesome man.
                                                                                B: No love for Furion in 9 months? D:

                                                                                Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                                  G: Nice winrate on top heroes, you're on a winstreak, keep it up!
                                                                                  B: Nothing bad really


                                                                                    G: Always willing to play support and pretty successful at it
                                                                                    B: nothing specific, very well rounded. Keep up good fundamentals. And play at least one game of Earth Spirit win or lose, no heroes left unplayed!


                                                                                      g: overall winrate and heroes versatility in the previous games
                                                                                      b: the fk are you ignoring that brew for 8 months already

                                                                                      Travis Doodles

                                                                                        g: 5 winning streak
                                                                                        b: not using templar for 4months seriously?

                                                                                        Kim Taeyeon

                                                                                          Good: Nice Invoker
                                                                                          Bad: Spamming Slark


                                                                                            G: overall winrate 53% nice
                                                                                            B: havent been playing much lately, and also that poor DP winrate.


                                                                                              G: Windranger spammer, great hero
                                                                                              B: No invoker for 3 months :'(


                                                                                                G: Overall WR and DP WR
                                                                                                B: WR with your most played heroes


                                                                                                  G: Strong TA stats, Nice overall carry player

                                                                                                  B: Not great overall win rate

                                                                                                  Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

                                                                                                    good : earthspirit Pro player
                                                                                                    bad : earthspirit noob player

