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    Well played bro. 1 abandon from the other team. EZ MMR.

    doc joferlyn simp

      consider butterfly if allowed to choose ac or butter. evasion makes the enemies have to buy mkb in order to deal with, and you dont need the - armor on the enemy. raw attackspeed better by far on am. other than that you did relatively great, good stomp and maintain the performance man

      Super Speed Snail

        Ugh, those guys. Too heavy to be carried right?

        Anyway, try to destroy melee racks first.


          Bruh you needed bkb or linkens so badly and then you go for a silly urn to slow you down and get a bloodstone that does nothing for you :( ..on the other hand, its SEA 100 mmr 5 core line up so whatever, you probaby could just pick up your mc donald order instead of sitting by the pc lmao xD


            2 hoho haha, 1 slark = insta win.

            On serious note, why no one is getting BKB? Doesn't matter though since your team have 3 hard carry.


              Uh, Kaiba playing as support instead on the main stage? I'm pleasantly surprised

              Nothing much to be said, well played.
              Wtf is kunkka doing lol


                Good win against greedy team. Great tower dmg. Blah blah


                  Shutting down their carry early and left them powerless to fight you, nice.

                  Edit: That Faceless Void would-be Desolator build LUL

                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                  LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                    Nice void, >Space Created!

                    casual gamer

                      pretty much the perfect drow game, you got an early lead and snowballed heavily. I always have trouble playing drow against pudge (lul braindead), but you did a good job of never getting caught

                      i personally would've gone agh-MJ after pike, magic damage shreds morph and timbersaw through their high armor. i almost never go manta over silver edge anyway, although it's a ton of agi/ms and helps with sieging

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        am i seeing a PMA player's comeback?

                        that match is so sick man, that's like the ideal comeback scenario

                        kudos to you and naga for holding down the fort while the rest of your team fed

                        also why pike over bkb? dlance's range increase doesnt affect splitshots, with such a magic-intensive enemy team bkb would have been better

                        ofc i recognize the fact the the dlance gives cheap stats and im willing to bet it allowed you to comeback. my only question is why keep it

                        anyways wp, man, great game!


                          @Haffy Well play... Nice xpm... :-)


                            Pa stomp. They had too many cores and little space so they fall behind. Well fought


                              Easy stomp on 5 cores.. WD saved you the game against cancer


                                won a stomp... Nice am...

                                casual gamer

                                  ^^Haffy the void was basically worst-case scenario, tanky agi carry with manaburn and bash. i had to have a way to seperate me and him or he could kill me even through bkb or if i had another dps item. IIRC i went wand mael linkens MJ -> pike. everyone besides the void was very low-impact, if the CM was good she would force me to go diffusal or BKB

                                  ^^ Deal_0_With_0_iT

                                  Pretty good stomp, ghost scepter at the end to dive fountain for extra BM. I try to avoid ever getting MKB on pa if there's no evasion, i personally wouldve gone crit (i am a monkey). bfly would've been good because nobody was even close to MKB and you can bkb off invoker's eventual bloodthorn. In the future, i would recommend hitting towers instead of farming kills, however. I have lost plenty of games because i wanted to farm kills instead of hitting buildings


                                    Poor team... ur enemy has better defense than ur offense even u cannot deal with tier-3 towers


                                      mid PA LUL WP anyway


                                        Hold a game long enough for AM to come online and dominating them and eventually win, well played.

                                        Did you lose a teamfight at mid lane around 51 mins - 60 mins? I saw Radiant appear to be leading by EXP at around that period.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                        casual gamer

                                          ur void build is so bad :(

                                          this is how u play void, you could've won that game easily


                                            Looks like your early game is really bad, constant gank from pudge + shadow shaman i guess.
                                            Anyway i think picking time dilation sooner would be better considering they have timber and PA. Even a single point on it might help you delaying them for a while.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              nice 1 death
                                              as hero i think it was not needed since pa has daggerand can kill u with suport but u died 1 time wp
                                              u had ok hero dmg
                                              pick ds here ie nothing special
                                              u had low hero healing u maybe went first agh and stop and star go greaves .
                                              u bought agh and your ulti is useless vs this heroes except maybe pa but its not useful at all
                                              u could go blink and pipe/force etc
                                              u won cause u were all more farmed but awell meaned enemie could turn that game

                                              Bad Intentions

                                                Avg game. HD and TD was avg. You probably provided space for the morph atleast? Interesting SB and Linken pickups. Overall, somehow contributed a small part to the teams victory.


                                                  ez game their morph farm pretty bad and void was 0-8

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    Kinda sad that there is very little to combo with vacuum. vlads was a pretty good pickup imo

                                                    ur od has the next level deso build, which was so good that their bane abandoned immediately upon seeing it. i shed a single tear that their pa never finished her daedalus


                                                      You carried your team to an ez win as PA


                                                        Oh my, that game should have been easier if only three of your teammates doesn't feed so hard - which must be very frustrating ...
                                                        Your farm could be better but in that condition with only two death, you did very well. Treat yourself something nice will ya


                                                          u did well but pa's build is questionable


                                                            don't go double vlads on your team


                                                              Support naga SeemsGood Naix probably sucked hard


                                                                @ Harambe
                                                                Yet another brainless super support riki stomp, good job!

                                                                Full Давай

                                                                  Although I really hate crit wh0re ...

                                                                  that HD right next to zeus is something.


                                                                  fishy boi

                                                                    nice es dude


                                                                      the usual slark stomp
                                                                      ez game


                                                                        underlord again ripp, stomping normals skills w/ pit lord rofl

                                                                        Ahmed Jaffar Al-Nasser

                                                                          Techies carried you, nice stomp tho, i hate drow.

                                                                          NOT GOOD ENOUGH

                                                                            techies looks like a bad pick from my pov then left void all alone trying to be the core while enemy has 2 good core not a really great draft against thse late game


                                                                              Slow paced game that your team managed to win. Your HD a bit low for 'if i catch u, i will kill u' hero like Sven. Maybe try to gank more to increased your kill count?

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                You were playing utility hero, so there's not much feedback I can give without seeing the match. Your LH could've been a bit on the higher side, everything else seems ok. No idea why you skipped better boots

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  Good dazzle game. Sexy item pickups, decent HH, KDA. Seems that youre positioning is gud. Even if this is normals, u did gud. Just stay consistent and youll move up ez in no time.


                                                                                    You actually won your axe game unlike mine (2 days 70+ games at 10 o'clock at night is real annoying.


                                                                                      You would have won that game if your Windranger came online sooner. Other than that, it was a good comeback; very close game (in terms of net worth) if there was no techies defending.


                                                                                        you died too much as naga also you farming is so slow looks like tinker was an asshole


                                                                                          Seems like u are lasthit god in your bracket as am.

                                                                                          Dr. Banana

                                                                                            Instead of the typical slark stomp you had to deal with the tiny stomp. It looks like you actually tried (you have more hero damage than tiny) but your teammates might be subpar, I don't know. I notice none of you bought bkb (other thank WK). You should have Bought bkb. Three people on your team have blinks but the real hero that was supposed to get blink didn't (WK). Also, WK shadow blade?? I know shadow blade can be a substitute for blink but IMO he should've gotten blink. I guess you could've tried to win at 39:00 when you had 10k plus XP advantage. Overall I think you did good but your teammates didn't do the same. Surprised they have more kills than deaths (except Miranda and you, but the gap isn't much).


                                                                                              Low death, assist, and HD compared to other hero. But you boast incredibly high amount of tower damage. Seems like you dedicated yourself to split pushing rather than team fight. Something i found unusual at naix. Bane abandoned tho so your team still win in quantity again them (Perfect condition for rat strategy. But who need rat? Your team stomped anyway XD)

                                                                                              Dr. Banana

                                                                                                @PlzJustDie well bkb was already stomping so no need for me :)

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