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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Your last match seemed like KSer.


      ^actually I was first confused to not see riki, but then I saw riki was already picked. Alright invoker..shadowblade dagon travels and rapier gem... first:why shadow blade when you have an invis?:D travels dagon rapier:...
      No realy hero dmg... but with 1,2k td u have most td in team..definitely mvp..
      If your at 0 mmr I would sell the acc should be more worth then ur life


        Picked Sven, paired with the best mid hero atm, played him the best most efficient way of currently building him both in terms of items and skill build and won. Had an insane 90 cs by 10 minutes and 217 at 20.

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


          Yep asshole picked Riki even though he read my name and saw I play Riki on dotabuff. Then he proceeded to rage about how I'm not good with a hero I have only 6 games with.

          @ Murranji

          I honestly don't like the hero you picked, I think Enigma is a feeder hero, had 5 Enigmas out of 300 games, all feeders.
          I feel like you coulda timed your last hits on heroes a bit better and turned some of those 21 assists into kills.

          Swap Commends

            Good HD with enigma meaning u had impact.One sided game.gj


              Against dual illusion diffusal carrier, that Dusa didnt grab BKB, but have Mjollnir. That's what give you your win, I think. Nice job spectre-ing, no way you can't lose lategame with PL and Spec against Dusa Weaver

              mmr assasin

                ^^ i think u swap some bitches with ur ulti at game :d ez win


                  @phantom riki 10/10. I laughed.


                    WP enigma..rarely enigma picked on my 3k bracket

                    Fee Too Pee

                      Nice jugger . ALL YOUR TEAM FULL OF CARRIES PAINFUL TO SEE. no wonder ur team win in 1 hour game

                      kunst 2

                        Nice impact at all, but guardian seems much better then phase on support abaddon (you can prevent NP for buying mekansm at the start). And painful to see this weaver - no damage, no lasthits, 'amazing' skillbuiild.

                        stupid fuck 2000

                          Your team was awful but it lasted long enough for you to get farm and late game dusa, storm spirit and od cant be stopped.


                            Od vs a Tiny, gl hf :D
                            No, your Team rly raped and outpicked them, gj


                              You should have win that match sooner. Stalling the game against Medusa is not a wise choice.
                              Looking at the tower formation, looks like your enemy lost just because they don't have enough buyback


                                Yeah well we had this invoker and he was high or sth dont know, we just couldnt go 5 man...

                                Gj on 0 4 36! bounty, good items but kindof poor neworth for 36 assists

                                Corvus Corax

                                  i think you gotta be more careful on split pushing, it s not the kills dude, it s the ancient that wins the game.

                                  those who died are justified in the rival team


                                    Nice draft Kappa


                                      Wow, your team really knows how to farm ... nice job there protecting them.


                                        Nice BH support


                                          U got carried.


                                            ^ I'm useless in that match because of the prick namely Sniper, Disruptor, Clinkz


                                              Wow. Youre good at playing batrider! Keep it up dude. Ez +25 tho


                                                You got wrecked by Invoker and Zeus.
                                                Well, i think you should not rush Aghanim in that match, maybe going for Orchid or even Dagon to burst down Invoker and Zeus quickly. More magic resistance item such as Glimmer and another Pipe is also okay

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  you did well bounty, you stomped the match with your dragon, and it also appeared that your bounty has 4 legs. 4head kappapride

                                                  needs some advice, im trying to reach 4k

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                    Stomped ? You really should look at the details ...
                                                    And for the entire game, i don't remember building Dagon (?) :v


                                                      Dem 33 assists, thats some good space making right there

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        KSer PA player.


                                                          Appreciate if an actual player evaulates my performance please


                                                            You played well generally. They don't really have anything to pressure you in early game.


                                                              You somehow managed to survive with 1 support. Was your legion commander jungling?

                                                              The enemy also didn't itemise well, they should have gone for mid-game oriented builds so as to avoid fighting 4 carries in the late game.

                                                              Good job! c:


                                                                ^ Yeah LC jungle KappaRoss. I solo laned against a Jugger and SK who always ignored me and go for Zeus at mid. But they always put 3 heroes at my lane at some point in early game.

                                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                                  One of those matches where the other team gets stomped so hard that you wish the match would last longer so you would actually have time to do something. :D

                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                    U did ur best but ember is shit at carrying because cannot push at all in all stages of game lets admit it m8.
                                                                    Well played thou 17 3 ember


                                                                      you have a very good record sir.


                                                                        Long ass game
                                                                        Did more damage than weaver well played.
                                                                        dagon? really? especially with dazzle and tank heroes?
                                                                        overall- many damn deaths


                                                                          well ur zeus has decent to good HD considering the match ended before 30 mins
                                                                          nothing to say much really
                                                                          snowballed from early and decided to finish early
                                                                          od dc . cant say anything good or bad since u played as a team

                                                                          Almighty AdeN

                                                                            Won the match but ranked 4th in overall Hero damage, probably didn't do much of an impact early but i guess that cant be helped considering you had 4 carries. Last hits are average 400 @ 53 minutes but then again they had a natures prophet, bh and a clinkz going around looking for kills so thats pretty good if you take those factors into account. Highest Tower damage done, probably split push farming? Hate the vlads pick up though you probably would've died less if you picked up a heart.


                                                                              well, what can i say, what can magnus do to you on the middle lane beside skewering under the tower. ez mid ez other lanes.


                                                                                enemy team has a disadvantage with their choosen heroes. if you were safelane spectre, i think you had the help you need to get your early items. omni for defensive supp, and sky for aggresive supp.
                                                                                invoker's force staff i guess has saved many life in that game and do the counter init.


                                                                                  Welp, lucky win. The enemy has slight advantage on you, but then LC abandon and the rest of the team rage quit.

                                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                    3/3 is not a good KD

                                                                                    Kamado Kun

                                                                                      looks like you played very well but that wasnt enough to carry ur team


                                                                                        You played well but you probably couldve gotten bkb over manta


                                                                                          You carried the game, Good win. Don't think that getting both mjolnir and bf is necessary though.


                                                                                            you did quite well initiating i guess. that said, some scrappy SEA dota right there lmao :P. sometimes you need to just lay back get some farm and objectives and not play cs_bloodstrike :D

                                                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                              Too many assists not enough kills.


                                                                                                U suck real bad judging by your last hits.

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                                                                                                  Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                                                                                    Nice job playing Mirana support (and Initiator)

                                                                                                    Player 215168758

                                                                                                      Need some advice, I'm going to reach 4k :/