General Discussion

General DiscussionFor people who solo queue.

For people who solo queue. in General Discussion
bum farto

    Is it just me or have solo queue games been total garbage since the last patch. Most of the people on my list including myself have been dropping astronomical amounts. I think part of it is people still pick junglers against the current 5 man push roam stuff but someone has to be winning something?


      Yep it's awful.


        I've been losing solo q mid week and winning weekend, wtf volvo?! But yeah, I gain like +400 mmr 2 patches ago, and now since last patch I'm kinda stuck. Probably cause I suck and I've been playing so high ranked lately, but still...

        Also, fuck jungler pickers! That always makes the support solo support and solo supporting in pubs is hard as fuck, totally depends on your cores 25+ min in. Can't do much shit for yourself.

        Last picking is 4 pussies

          I experience the worst drop off on weekends of course I can't get myself to stop playing since this is when I can play the most.

          Weekend Dota is bad I tell you.

          Highlight of my weekend Dota. Had a Silencer rush Aghs with 0 points in Q....

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            I've dropped from 4.9k to 4.5k and I honestly think that retards are always on my team


              feels like I'm always doing way more hero damage than the rest of my team while they dish out 4ks hd

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                I've started with around 60-65% solo queue winrate when the patch came out, last two weeks its something like 49-52%.
                my experience with solo queue can be divided into two segments:

                evening -> early night = okay games
                mid day dota = shit fest, lots of one sided games

                Mortimer Smith

                  i droped from 4.2 to 4.1 :(

                  Mortimer Smith

                    fucking patch xDDDD


                      can't rly complain... ive been meeting so much trash cause of my huge loss streak and not having time to get out that now that im winning a bit, a guy slightly better is like playing with hercules...

                      and well ive been winning xD

                      bum farto

                        This was a week or two ago, now i am back to 4.9-4.8 just can't seem to win in solo though party ranked it going better. I hate junglers so fucking much.

                        all muted <3

                          evening -> early night = okay games
                          mid day dota = shit fest, lots of one sided games

                          just this... many times


                            I agree
                            last game i had a bs jungle with 26 min radiance ROFL
                            every game I get a fucking jungler and we just lose


                              i have lost it

                              by it i mean 600 mmr =D


                                i can only win if i get 30 kills with slark or earthspirit, otherwise everyone sux, keepo


                                  also lost around 500 mmr on a huge loss streak


                                    They also made axe worst so that might be part of it. Less of best hero less wins.


                                      ^or mb its cuz people buy euls Kappa


                                        Meta is broken.

                                        P.S. 6.84 is real punishment for supports, because you have to spend all your gold on sentry wards/dusts/gems (f*ck those new invis items).

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                                            I don't know why some people go intentional feeding and abandoning. I had a lot of those recently...

                                            waku waku

                                              i dropped 400 mmr a few months ago


                                                why you compare 6.84 to 6.83? 6.83 was shit
                                                while last patch was about 5 man lategame teamfights, this patch is 5 man earlygame teamfights
                                                older patches were better for solo queuing imo, in 6.81 you could have farmed, splitpush, so many strats
                                                i feel i have to rely a lot on my team in 6.83 and 6.84


                                                  Honestly at trench mmr, when there is no sniper or troll to dominate every bloody game, my solo mmr has soared this patch (From 900 -1500)


                                                    did u take this screen when we were playing with dingding and got matched with epic sniper/ember?

                                                    King Morgott, Last of all...

                                                      yeah i experienced some changes in it but i think it is more about people still trying to adapt to the new meta because you still see heroes just go jungle all game which is annoying >_>

                                                      Night 夜

                                                        I dropped from 4,2k to 3,6k at the end of 6.83 until 6.84c came out. Now I'm almost back at 3,9k.
                                                        I don't even know why I try to climb anyway.

                                                        4,2k seems like some kind of magical barrier that initiates a losing streak back down to at least 3,8k every time I reach it.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          the only way to win in this patch is to force horrible fights and hope for the best. PLay like clock undying gyro etc with Massive GO GO GO abilities so your retarded teammates go in and get that massive kill gold

                                                          King Morgott, Last of all...

                                                            tbh in this patch i have had more success on sven than even my axe which is shocking but i guess thats because sven is good in the 3.5 , and my winrate is dying because of 'heroes challenge' but whatever WORTH IT

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                                                            bum farto

                                                              @triple yes cause they were saying they were low 4k's and we should all listen to them so you and I both took screenshots.

                                                              Night 夜

                                                                @Sampson nooo, I had little success with Clock the past few times I played him. Got the team ahead, but couldn't finish in any of those games.
                                                                Bounty seems to do wonders now, though.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  BH is meh he is really easy to deal with when you have a duo support. If the support is alone then you can carry the game though.


                                                                    Havoc, nice party rating. :P


                                                                      I m losing alot as wellm, 90% of loses are when I m having jungler because anyway 90% of my loses are versus Undying/eshrak Undying/VIper Undying/Wr Undying/Phoenix. Is very hard to do abnytjing in game if you ahve useless jungler or even not but vs undying/leshrak you just auto lost one lane and whole game will be lost because of that unyding lane.


                                                                        Problem is there are no way you can win leshrak/undying lane with your 3 lane. Lets say you have Gyro/venge/disruptor well maybe you can but in how many % of games will your team picks 2 usefull supports or if you are not carry usefull carry vs und lane like Gyro or Bs? And even than 3v2 probably will go even at best because undying+ 1 can`t really lose lane so is always so fucking hard. Imagine you are slark and you have cm support and jungler and you are vs undying/leshrak. You can`t even stand lane to take exp and about creps to not even talk about.


                                                                          ^U could play Captains Mode


                                                                            usually safelane is actually the hardest lane in the current pub.
                                                                            if i pick slark, i get some shaker and roaming mirana support and i have to stay in lane against undying with shaker leeching xp and mirana "roaming".

                                                                            id rather solo the lane than have this


                                                                              I've been playing offlane more and more and I think it benefits my overall gameplay, I've been trying enchantress offlane and you can easily trade against carry+1support and come up winning, or even offlaning something + techies that rotates early to mine map, get first blood and start getting xp+gold, safelane is kinda hard because you either have to trust your carry gets gold or that the support will zone out and/or pull accordingly.


                                                                                its terrible.

                                                                                Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                  when valve adds real solo queue option, overwatch bans and removes hidden mmr brackets i'll go back to playing dota

                                                                                  ive played dota maybe 20 times this year and 16 out of those matches had questionable teammates and organized teammates against me

                                                                                  Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                    every time i queue, i can always tell who is an account buyer (or mmr boosted player), who is in a stack with somebody else and who is the potential gameruiner within the first 4 minutes. this isnt even funny, its actually disgusting because valve approves it


                                                                                      i gained about 200 mmr poitns this patch

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        yea Im almost back to 4k after the whole troll sniper patch


                                                                                          Is this really the patch's fault or the International compendium's challenges and shit?

                                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                            As a guess Sampson your what 3800?


                                                                                              basically what wave said but I still keep playing and wasting the time...


                                                                                                safelane is the worst lane confirmed. ive actually been winning cause i take mid lately and the mids are fucking terrible xD
                                                                                                + i dont have to deal with zombie and 4 man shit on my safelane with an afk woods and a melee support that feeds the zombie+others

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  3900 now

                                                                                                  I just go offlane and go wild on them. I started auto picking BS once some tiny dick fgt picks slark and kill them in the safe lane


                                                                                                    fuck i just noticed i got 5 games of low priority AGAIN FUCKING SHIT SYSTEM


                                                                                                      idk solo sux anywy, if it wasnt for mmr no one would soloq

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