General Discussion

General DiscussionFor people who solo queue.

For people who solo queue. in General Discussion

    hey, in opposite to you dota isnt my life. i couldnt care less about my hero stats. also storm is my most played hero in party, i almost never soloq with him, and i give 0 fuck in party.
    now idk whats ur fixation on me or my storm but i can tell, you go insecurities issues.
    also since ur so good at checking stats, go check when i started playing es. it was the moment he became super bad after the patch, so get ur facts together (not that i care)

    now idk why you spam ur shit all day long but im losing interest in you since all you can say is " oh lol storm -50 % braindead hero"
    which is, lets face it, typical mongol argument..

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        yes. after they switched his q with his silence, he was ultra bad for a long moment.
        anyway im done with you, glhf in the future

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          Last picking is 4 pussies

            @kitrak I got $100 prove me wrong and save yourself a few days labor at McDonalds.

            Otherwise go back to what you do on these forums rubbing your mmr in the face of those below you and getting on your knees to suck anyone => I'll help you with that equal to or greater than.

            Match history doesn't like kitrak your all flavor of the meta to keep your mmr.

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              Last picking is 4 pussies

                Brain dead? Remember your rant calling me illiterate while you mispelled every other word? Is this a trick or more thuggery from the guy who thinks thugs have computers and play dota.

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                    I have the weirdest boner right now

                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      I didn't even bother reading your non sense proud of you for putting out a paragraph that didn't involve mmr. Side note the thug stuff is just making fun of you for always changing your profile name to include thug so it has nothing to do with race as you could be anything. Beside someone that is incapable of capitalizing at the beginning of a sentence you know something even your phone would do for you.

                      Go figure caught a glimpse and I was wrong mmr back in play.....

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                      King of Low Prio

                        Earth Spirit is so weak guis :DDDDDD

                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          ^---no one is claiming earth spirit is weak of course in this patch you have a 57% win rate against earth as opposed to a 0% against tinker or 22% against timber.

                          So maybe the Ebola is now a mental disability and just overall legend status?

                          King of Low Prio

                            3k pub picks determine what is strong and weak now, now I know

                            plz do

                              pls visual proof or dick size is a lie.

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                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                Maybe not Sampson but statistics might actually show what is somewhat overrated, inflated, or imagined.

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                                King of Low Prio

                                  So game developers don't put ES into Captains mode because I lose to tinker more than ES in pubs. Damn I must have failed my stats class because I never learned how to read data like that.....

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    I'm not saying he isn't a strong hero or OP for the pro scene I'm saying this screaming bloody murder like it's the most OP hero in this meta is insane considering the amount of people at 3k, 4k, and 5k match upped against this hero win at a high rate.

                                    I mean look at how swift heroes have been nerfed since 6.84 released?

                                    No one on this board or at least 99% are not against jeraxi playing earth spirit but talk like they are.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      those heroes who got nerfed swiftly where nerfed swiftly because they are in CM

                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                        So pretty much since ES wasn't put in CM neither of us beyond speculating can say 100% how good or bad ES would be in the pro game. PPD and singsing salt aside.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          no you can speculate seeing how the top players consider how broken ES still is. The fact that he is not in CM just leaves it with no urgency to rush out swift changes.


                                            Opposite for me. Was 50% last patch, sometimes under. Now been 60% since the new patch. Guess my style fits it?


                                              Havoc u have 52% winrate in ranked , 60% overall duh


                                                I used to do all my solo ranked on only EU East but swapped back to EU West a couple weeks ago when the ping improved. It was also an easier way to track solo vs party as most of my parties are EU West or Russia depending on who I am with.


                                                Obviously most of my solo games are supports so that as well helps to identify solo games. I try not to be too negative of players but for some reason core players are especially bad at the lower you go, I mean on paper they are fine and most of them aren't terrible at carrying and the majority of mids are decent. It's more what they do outside of the laning phase that's frustrating.

                                                Still such is the game, you go up and down. Just aggravating cause it's never been this much flux in the solo rating though which makes me just want to permanently go back to party queuing forever.

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                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                  Can I ask what mmr distribution on EU East you get while you were mid 5k? It sounds weird but I actually think the distribution there is better than on US East outside of prime time, I've lost track of the # of "average 4700 mmr" games I've gotten while everyone was like 700 points or more below me.


                                                    I think one of the biggest issues I faced when solo queuing at 5.5K was I never got higher than a 5.1-4.9 distribution which wouldn't have been all that bad if I wasn't always supporting or off laning with 4.6-4.8K core players. In fact I think I ran into Xan in one of my games but that may have been on EU west.

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...



                                                        xan asked for my autograph when we met and i carried his ass :D



                                                          rest was shit though so we lost anyway xD

                                                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              ^----easy because he isn't in CM for right and wrong reasons.

                                                              If we went just off public perception oracle was supposed to be mega imbalanced and break game.

                                                              There are already what 4-5 heroes through quals 100% pick ban rate. Some heroes picked a ton even though they lose a ton (sf) and Rubick.

                                                              Plus if earth was so game breaking I think you would have played this hero and you don't kitrak.

                                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                Yea I thought the same thing about population vs mmr distribution, SEA has a larger population base than US West + East combined but for some reason, the few times I solo queued there, I got 4k players in EVERY SINGLE game, and they would always instantly pick cores (which prompted me to type an essay to zenoth on steam about how bad that server was).

                                                                Looks like only US East prime time and EU West are viable then (not like it guarantees enjoyable games anyways, you still get inflated trash who are somehow 6k despite being terrible at this game :D)

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  dota's shit anyway just eat some popcorn and play


                                                                    my last 6 solo ranked games in SEA had cooperative teammates/tryhards who mostly carried their weight (and if they didnt i carried it for them)

                                                                    like my [url=""]last game[/url] where i was literally the second lowest mmr on my team

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                      wow 32 denies against qop lol...

                                                                      u had febby in ur team

                                                                      every time i played against febby on us west/east he played well and then when he was on my team he sucked :D

                                                                      looks like some of us have magical voodoo powers to make ppl play worse

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        I never play mid in my pubs, literally. Never.
                                                                        Neither do I farm the safelane very often.
                                                                        Winning can be done with any role as long as you understand what you have to do in order to achieve the things that lead to victory. If you truly want to win more pubs, you cannot possibly blame anyone else for the loss of a game, you need to take all the blame and come up with new ways of thinking that may lead to victory next time around. There is only one factor that is constant in all of your games; you.

                                                                        The same rules do not apply to every range of MMR, you have to discover it while playing. If you did manage to climb 500 Points you will have to change your strategy, you cannot EXPECT to be able to win pubgames in the same fashion at a higher nor lower rating than previously. It might be possible, but you cannot rely on it. When I play solo ranked on my low 5k smurf I am lost, I do not know how to lead my team to victory even though I can easily run over players on my main account without being bothered. I know what I need to do to win the majority of my games at the rating I am currently at. Looking back a year, I played very differently. I changed my playstyle because I wanted to win ranked games, I tried to somewhat solve the system. I do not consider myself as the best, I just know how to win.

                                                                        Complaining will not improve your playstyle, but by all means continute to cry so I can feed on your tears on my road toward glory Kappa.

                                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                          ^That is actually true, I remember I would farm 10+ cs/min back in early 2014 on carries in the trash high 4k bracket and my team would always feed/never do anything useful even if I killed the offlaner 3x and took his tower by 9 min.

                                                                          So I just switched to support venomancer/sand king and got 5k in like 3-4 days. Who knew supporting complete trashcans would let me get higher mmr rofl.

                                                                          Treat your team like bots/meatshields and find ways to work around how they play - like when you play against unfair bots, they always run down a lane as 4 or 5, when you play ranked matchmaking it's really the same shit except these humans are slightly more intelligent ;)

                                                                          Are you really 6500 mmr (@ the guy above me)?

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