General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

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    Nah, I'd win


          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

            its forza 6 apex and also FUCK THIS GAME




                It's so fucking depressing when I crushed mid badly, ppl were camping mid, FREE FARM, FREE LANES for everyone, early game everyone were so fucking afraid of me, playing like cowards and then my safe lane is not able to carry me XD

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  can you link this acc?

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    rofl 1st game mid 5k avg x) after all that intentionall feeding and abandoning in a lot of games, I guess I could of had above 6k in 1st ranked game if I tried my best for sure.


                      oh man this ranked game was way worse than nmm ones ROFL everyones sooo baaaad, only mid was ok'ish. I wish I wasn't too late to mark safe.... and it looks like I'm not the only one who thinks the same XD


                        ROFL 2nd game AHAHHA

                        K I'll just afk fuck dota

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                          nice i accidentally queued into russia again and got alche that abandoned in min 8


                            WHY ARE PPL PICKLING SPECTRE!??!!!??


                              coz u are playing 3k matches?


                                is this some kind of change, where if one of the duostack have highest solo mmr then the solo mmr is showed as top?

                                me, government hooker

                                  Yes hello I'm 12 and i hate my generation. all the other kids my age listen to Justin Bieber (he's so gay) and Nicki Minaj but I listen to REAL music like this smh wish I was born in the 40's

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    сразу сорри если чё мне 13 лет, но Я слушаю дипи шмот уже пол года. Это моя любимая группа. Я считаю, что лушче уже не мождет быть группы, ведь тут наличествуется всё. Голос, музыка, тексты со смыслом (не как тру ля ля у меня большие труселя как у Duran или у New Order) да и вообще можно слушать безконечно. Я могу. Но вот "Spirit" спорный альбом. Нет, они до сих пор пишут идеальные тексты их смысл не понять попсовикам и реперам да и сами смотрите. Если слушать их под кроватью то ваще муражки идут по коже. Как я идеал. Музыка как всегда прекрасна.

                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                      Do u guys know the music pack?
                                      [.youtube] [/youtube.]


                                        cute lesbian playing with 6k player

                                          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                            fucking trash techies ruining my lane, my game and everyones game get fucking destroyed u awful piece of shit fucking trash player I hope u all the worst u fucking imbecile idiot picking and spamming EVERY game this awful hero ur reall mmr is fucking 3k just how fucking awful u are fuck urself. Wasting my time on an unenjoyable game when it's supposed to be a 20 - 30 min stomp, just fuck urself toxic shit, what a fucking waste of space on earth... #LetItAllOutOfYou

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              how to read afeects post effectively:

                                              1. read 5 words

                                              2. determine wether it's a blogpost about shitty trash treammates

                                              3. if yes, skip, if no/not sure return to 1.


                                                ^^This guy is a bulldog sub


                                                  17:15 - lets play penis ping pong: 16:58 - през горите през полята is now Online.
                                                  17:15 - lets play penis ping pong: 17:02 - |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| has changed their name to lets play penis ping pong.
                                                  17:16 - през горите през полята: if u keepdoing this
                                                  17:16 - през горите през полята: im just going to unfriend u
                                                  17:16 - lets play penis ping pong: 17:16 - през горите през полята: im just going to unfriend u
                                                  17:16 - lets play penis ping pong:
                                                  17:16 - lets play penis ping pong:
                                                  17:17 - през горите през полята: like idk do u think its funny or hip or smth?
                                                  17:17 - през горите през полята: are u a literal moron?
                                                  17:17 - през горите през полята: like clinically?

                                                  so easy to trigger this guy

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    holy shit it's almost 7 yrs old its like it was yesterday


                                                      Nah, I'd win

                                                        i skip everything but triple's posts and leave disappointed, because there are no triple posts


                                                          tirple is dead

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            holy shit thse bc messages are so confusing for a moment i thought i somehow had blunt in my fl


                                                              well, blunt was in that team

                                                              Nah, I'd win

                                                                we spoke german in our stack but nobody was german

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  i think imma start playing with the muted all chat again i cant take this
                                                                  ppl fuck up and to excuse themselves try to switch blame on someone else who also fucked up who in turn tries to swtich blame and so on and so forth

                                                                  nightstalker goes alone at day with gem, dies, loses gem, blames pudge for ting bot xdxdxdxdxd

                                                                  idk why im getting so mad from that lately it happens only time but i could tolerate it somehow but now it just drives me insane how ppl desperately try to not put themselves at fault or take responsibility and delude themselves
                                                                  mb im growing up

                                                                  Nah, I'd win

                                                                    And more chune for your headtop
                                                                    So watch how you speak on my name, you know?


                                                                      If you are that tilted... maybe you shouldn't play?

                                                                      Games are suppose to be fun... not rage inducing??


                                                                        lul skim is from sea , i checked youtube videos classic sea human being

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          ok nice my game starts freezing every 3 seconds for some reason now with normal ping gg




                                                                              someone figured out a way to pause during pick phase
                                                                              and i have no idea how to unpause


                                                                                console doesn't work ("unpause")

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  mentions how every1s 3k and how we should look at his mmr b4 talking and how he and axe are carrying every1
                                                                                  (rides in axe gets out when he calls 3 ppl and presses 2 buttons)

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    why would there be an unpause command when unpause with the same key u pause with :thinking:


                                                                                      ^ what's up with slardar? why he was feeding? XD

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        that's "Sir", the moron from dotabuff
                                                                                        i vaguely remember him somehow getting a 5k acc and then giving advice here when in reality he's 3k(? citation needed)
                                                                                        he didn't feed he just played like a complete imbecile and died 4 times in 4 mins
                                                                                        and then in the middle of me telling naix to kill himself he drops smth like "as some1 whos 1k above both of u"
                                                                                        and then i snapped and muted every1 except potm


                                                                                          LMFAO AHAHAHAHAHA

                                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                                            oh shiet new diablo ptach PogChamp