why is that when im doing good i lose and when im doing poorly i win what the fuck???
also why can't my hero hit enemy heroes multiple times i clikced on enemy in teamfights and instead my hero just fucking walked there like a moron and we lost at least one fight cuz of that i believe
1:10:00 no security famMM<
meanwhile whast really goin down in london
sing streaming nier automata
why is that when im doing good i lose and when im doing poorly i win what the fuck???
also why can't my hero hit enemy heroes multiple times i clikced on enemy in teamfights and instead my hero just fucking walked there like a moron and we lost at least one fight cuz of that i believe
this dude looks cool af
he also has the coolest names in all the languages except french, but french sucks and realtive to other french names it's probably cool aswell
u suck
LMAO max that cap allows XD
fool start low for more ez games
wife stealer says HI!
Can we bury this thread after page 1200, it won't last any longer anyway
Can we bury this thread after page 1200, it won't last any longer anyway
when the only thing you enjoy is dying. must be old age
also https://www.facebook.com/Crunchyroll/videos/vb.6047074339/10154750911129340/?type=2&theater¬if_t=live_video¬if_id=1490252129127688
naruto L U L
sjws ruined andromeda
are thsoe horible pictures real or satire. I can't tell
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What a handsome bet...
today in solo ranked
repeating an episode where i get 20 denies on enemy midlaner so he calls sky for help to sit on my lane permanently
hows my underlord 5k
hows my jugger 5k
how do they even open their mouths after being absolutely fucking useless and calling out people on being 4k
ayy lmao is dead
whats up with sjw in andromeda? i missed it
also: both sides of sjw discussion are autistic af, those who believe everything is unequal and those who believe nothing is unequal
nice la i got a 2x mid+feed guy and then an autistic 2x safelaner who went apeshit after he saw cyrillic in my name
I wish ayy lmao was more about memes, and less about whining about teammates.
i wish u didnt say what u wish cuz noone cares
mayy complainao
whatever it was worth it in the end
did somebody mention old age? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i cant go full dark mode holy fycking shit im triggered
More Life 22 minutes ago
This comment was removed by a moderator 20 minutes ago
cool I have my own 3.5k acc now XD
right now there are people defending mass effect andromeda by saying that the haters are homophobes and anti-lgbt
When angry video game nerd first started the N64 was as old as the Wii is now.
whats with the sjw vs nerds beef about mass effect i watched this tralier
am i supposed to be shocked or what whats so sjw in that just a normal ass game ppl see sjws everywhere now