i mean id write a certain word here that starts with f and ends with s, that describes all of you, but sadly the Dotabuff Code of Conduct (c) doesn't allow me to do so
does sand lp still work? i feel like im might get 1 i died 3 times in 5 mins to 3 man ganks mid then my magnus opened his mouth about me having bare bottle and i snapped, broke it and went afk
Every deck in the game currently is fucking broken. They went horribly over-the-top with Mean Streets. Pirate Warrior, Renolock, Dragon Priest, Aggro/Midrange/Jade Shaman, Jade Druid, Renomage all trigger me to no end, which is like 90% of the decks currently in the game so.
you just go ahead and fuck your life up
start at the barber
He has a degree
i mean id write a certain word here that starts with f and ends with s, that describes all of you, but sadly the Dotabuff Code of Conduct (c) doesn't allow me to do so
gotvet's quote
you could just look in the mirror
you can still call us friends sir ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
fuck off with your positivity. this is a shared personal depression blog
I'm ready to get my balls juggled on thursday
F you
wish i knew how to play earth spirit
that could turn the tides in the finals
tyrande Kreygasm
does sand lp still work? i feel like im might get 1 i died 3 times in 5 mins to 3 man ganks mid then my magnus opened his mouth about me having bare bottle and i snapped, broke it and went afk
👌 🇹 🇾 🇸 🇮 🇷
we lost 0 2
but both games were kinda close and pretty winnable
was rly worried about ur games arin whats mmr currently ?
he has reached his goal of 3k
I've read every single comment ... cost me some Days.
All i can think about is this
Salza if you're a guy you're weird.
If you're a girl you're obviously an Otaku.
there are no girls (female) on the internet
20:26 - Vaikiss`742.: .kuyytrr
20:28 - Vaikiss`742.: U you in nub njnhftujuhyyiojhyuoiioijhnnnnnjjjuuuikknnjjjjkmmcchjwedjhhjhhzhzhdkhgffhhhmmlpoyffgghhfdfih Vbbg gumming kllljjhtfgnmkhehshhwgzgshhssmm:-):-):-):-):-)*6;&^/;,,""" ,. ,:''$^&*&&6^8*(())(^/^&**(*&$#$/;-;,:^;^^:6^-6-6-^'''^-^^'^'^'^'^^-^^@ :::^7776;*/$";:;^&&&&&&&&&,,,?,&&&******&?
20:28 - Invoker: wjats ur problem moron
20:29 - Vaikiss`742.: autism
20:29 - Vaikiss`742.: 8&/$^&(&&&'* jdnsskeekjrdmzxckiuyysmgjdkckkxkxkdkjzjsndndkdudjuaisisiisuudhxjnxjcjcjcjcjcjjhbgtrfffggvvvvvivcbjkkjjjjjhhgjjkokkhhuuuuuyuhhbhhhhucccbnnnnnnnnn non set yucca sszdccdffffccccxcccdddhjkmkoiiiikkkkkkkirehkrtk-,😬😇😉😯😯😃😐😴😨⛎🚰♒♑🐑🐓🐤
20:29 - Vaikiss`742.: Uyyuiuuhgfdfghjjjjjuuuuuuhuhhh
vaikiss still plays dota?
his nick name means "kid" XD
i dont know? i dont think ive talked to him in a year and suddenly he spams me
tfw having ssd
LUL I just noticed my hdd is pretty much empty just some backup files, music and shit XD all the games and programs are on ssd FeelsSpeedyMan
sm1 tell me why this is allowed?
welcome back lpfeeder420
236GB ????
do you guys even use your PC besides for dota?
damn thats nice
this eazy-e meme is kinda old
man dragon priest is so fucking broken
Every deck in the game currently is fucking broken. They went horribly over-the-top with Mean Streets. Pirate Warrior, Renolock, Dragon Priest, Aggro/Midrange/Jade Shaman, Jade Druid, Renomage all trigger me to no end, which is like 90% of the decks currently in the game so.