All this shit and people are STILL complaining about aggro as well is the cherry on top. There is one very good aggro deck (pirate warrior) and two okay/decent ones (aggro shaman and agrro rogue). Everything else is fucking midrange/control and people still come here and talk about how aggro is strong and cancer when they play their powercreep Renolock deck with 30 different cards you have to play around and billion ways to heal themselves, put taunts or remove minions. But no, the problem is always aggro. Not to mention it's fucking obvious that without pirate warrior, jade druid/shaman would shit on everybody even harder.
i made a f2p jade druid deck which is quite fun but i played against dragon priest 4 times in a row which is not fun
i wish i could play miracle rogue that deck seems ultra fun but no cards gg jungle tinker into lina abandon, jugg telling me to kill myself for some reason (that guy was actually on sjw-level stupid, ive never seen a teammate like that. sad that the chat disappears)
interesting games lads
Was zur Höu hesch itz gad über mi gseit, du chliini Soumore? I wott di loh wüsse dassi Klassebest bi gsii bide Navy Seals, und i bi a zauhriiche gheime Manöver gäge d Al-Quaeda beteiligt gsii, und i ha über 300 bestätigti Abschüss. I bi in Gorilla Warfare usbiudet, und i bi dr best Scharfschütz vo de gsamte US Strittchräft. Für mi bisch nid meh aus es witters Zieu. I wirde di verdammt nomou mit nie zuvor uf dere Ärde gseehniger Präzision uslösche, merk der mini verdammte Wort. Meinsch, du chasch ungstrooft dermit dervoochoo mir so Scheiss per Internet z säge? Fausch dänkt, Lutscher. Während mir rede bini scho mis gheime Netzwärch vo Spione quer dür d USA am kontaktiere und dini IP wird genau itze traced, aso bereit di gschider ufe Sturm vor, Made. Dr Sturm wo das armselige chliine Ding wo du dis Läbe nennsch uslöscht. Du bisch so öppis vo tot, Knirps. I cha überau sii, jederzitt, u i cha di in über 700 verschidnige Arte töte, u dasch nur mit mine blosse Häng. Nid nur bini umfassend i unbewaffenetem Nahkampf trainiert, i ha Zuegriff ufs gsamte Arsenau vom United States Marine Corps, und i wirdes i vouem Umfang nutze um di armselig Arsch vom Antlitz vom Kontinänt z fäge, du chliine Schiisshuufe. Wennde nur hättsch chönne wüsse was fürne unheiligi Vergeutig di chlii „clever“ Kommentar über di würdi bringe, villech hättsch denn dini verdammti Schnure ghebt. Aber das hesch nid chönne, das hesch nid gmacht, und itz zauhsch dr Priis, du gottverdammte Idiot. I wirde Wuet quer über di schiisse, und du wirsch drinn ertrinke. Du bisch so öppis vo tot, Knirps.
ure not gonna trigger me more than im alrdy triggered by the fact shes a professor so i got 0 chances even if wasnt a spineless socially awkward degenerate i am
I mean it's cool to play dual mid, I'm down for it, I just don't fucking care like the other guy whos picks it XD idk how many times I played dual mid in the last 10 solo q games XD
All this shit and people are STILL complaining about aggro as well is the cherry on top. There is one very good aggro deck (pirate warrior) and two okay/decent ones (aggro shaman and agrro rogue). Everything else is fucking midrange/control and people still come here and talk about how aggro is strong and cancer when they play their powercreep Renolock deck with 30 different cards you have to play around and billion ways to heal themselves, put taunts or remove minions. But no, the problem is always aggro. Not to mention it's fucking obvious that without pirate warrior, jade druid/shaman would shit on everybody even harder.
i made a f2p jade druid deck which is quite fun but i played against dragon priest 4 times in a row which is not fun
i wish i could play miracle rogue that deck seems ultra fun but no cards gg
its not even dragon priest thats annoying its any fucking priest deck theyre so slow and boring my god why do ppl play this
hey would u look at that 5th priest in a row
Rank 20 problems.
translato plz
storm solo ruins [the game]
fwords bought the acc
interesting as I stomped it hard, why am I a ruiner suddenly XD
doesnt this look sexy tho
? how am i supPoS WNRW#I#UN$1yuh4bu`21`2`
wow lpfeeder420 is that you in your profile picture? can i add you on steam so we can meet and chill, you know? you are awesome btw hehehe :3
fuck these gimmick decks
ogre telling me something about failing mid after i went 6 1
do you really need 4 points in quas?
welcome tae glesga ya fucking ginger
jungle tinker into lina abandon, jugg telling me to kill myself for some reason (that guy was actually on sjw-level stupid, ive never seen a teammate like that. sad that the chat disappears)
interesting games lads
Was zur Höu hesch itz gad über mi gseit, du chliini Soumore? I wott di loh wüsse dassi Klassebest bi gsii bide Navy Seals, und i bi a zauhriiche gheime Manöver gäge d Al-Quaeda beteiligt gsii, und i ha über 300 bestätigti Abschüss. I bi in Gorilla Warfare usbiudet, und i bi dr best Scharfschütz vo de gsamte US Strittchräft. Für mi bisch nid meh aus es witters Zieu. I wirde di verdammt nomou mit nie zuvor uf dere Ärde gseehniger Präzision uslösche, merk der mini verdammte Wort. Meinsch, du chasch ungstrooft dermit dervoochoo mir so Scheiss per Internet z säge? Fausch dänkt, Lutscher. Während mir rede bini scho mis gheime Netzwärch vo Spione quer dür d USA am kontaktiere und dini IP wird genau itze traced, aso bereit di gschider ufe Sturm vor, Made. Dr Sturm wo das armselige chliine Ding wo du dis Läbe nennsch uslöscht. Du bisch so öppis vo tot, Knirps. I cha überau sii, jederzitt, u i cha di in über 700 verschidnige Arte töte, u dasch nur mit mine blosse Häng. Nid nur bini umfassend i unbewaffenetem Nahkampf trainiert, i ha Zuegriff ufs gsamte Arsenau vom United States Marine Corps, und i wirdes i vouem Umfang nutze um di armselig Arsch vom Antlitz vom Kontinänt z fäge, du chliine Schiisshuufe. Wennde nur hättsch chönne wüsse was fürne unheiligi Vergeutig di chlii „clever“ Kommentar über di würdi bringe, villech hättsch denn dini verdammti Schnure ghebt. Aber das hesch nid chönne, das hesch nid gmacht, und itz zauhsch dr Priis, du gottverdammte Idiot. I wirde Wuet quer über di schiisse, und du wirsch drinn ertrinke. Du bisch so öppis vo tot, Knirps.
haiku about solo mm
i cant win
i cant win
lalalalalala lala lalala
theres this girl at the university that makes my heart beat faster when i see her
shes my engineering drawing professor
going to university in 2017 LUL
going to the army in 2017 LUL
being alive in 2017 LUL
well i have to go in 2018 so ye, LUL
hot, but -pts for receding hairline and apparently overweight
high forehead =/= receding hairline
hot, but -pts for high forehead and apparently overweight
ure not gonna trigger me more than im alrdy triggered by the fact shes a professor so i got 0 chances even if wasnt a spineless socially awkward degenerate i am
im not trying to trigger you, and yes, shes a prof man
oh and i forgot ure spinelesser than trump
can tell wether ure srs or not
3/10 XD
both of u
I mean it's cool to play dual mid, I'm down for it, I just don't fucking care like the other guy whos picks it XD idk how many times I played dual mid in the last 10 solo q games XD
COOL it's another retard stack and 5.6k party 5.1k solo idiot goes mid XD go kill urself fucking autistic 4k trash
beautiful !!!! i wish i could draw swipe XDXD
into dragon priest wowzers!!!
interestingly enough only like 4-5 games out of 10 were dragon priests today
got some shit for ya on next page
oh boy can't wait for it!
interesting class!
nvm i won't do it
Invoker 2 hours ago
whats wrogn with u LOl