General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
< blank >

    ive forgotten everything since then

    me too

    Jay the Bird

      the general formula for this type of shit is P=ρgh
      in your case P=0.75*10^5, ρ=13600 and g=9.81
      you can calculate h which will be in meters

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        ^yeah that makes sense, thats high school level stuff honestly but i forgot :facepalm:



            Stalin killed 60 million people. Hitler killed 17 million.

            In what world is 60 less than 17? Chairman Mao killed 120 million.

            Like seriously, the fuck are you talking about?


              how do you know? you werent even there


                holocaust isnt real?


                  Why the FUCK is r/the_donald still here then? There are definitely Nazi's on there and it's filled with hate speech? So tell me, why are they not purged too?

                  Fuck you Reddit

                  EDIT: and the_donald trolls are already on here, bring on the downvotes snowflakes, Trump is a rapist nazi sympathizing racist sexist white supremacist.

                  DOUBLE EDIT: r/the_donald is out in full force this morning, trolling as usual, why don’t y’all go back to your snowflake haven where you all sit in circles and jerk off on each others faces

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    6 mil jews + 26mil reds + who the fuck knows how many euros = 17 mil :thinking:

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      oh wait nvm ruskies are not people so if u take 6 mil jews + 11 mil euros u get 17 hAHA xD


                        good talk guys

                        < blank >

                          blitzkrieg prevented people from dying, that's why the numbers are lower on hitler's score board

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            i hope the song is at least half as good as the thumbnail


                              how can u compare 2 completely different forms of media? use your logic Lol=)

                              1st class tourist

                                Skrillexxzxxx x x x x x

                                1st class tourist


                                  很高兴见到你,我叫伊丽莎白·乌米尔·汉考克,来自伊利诺伊州美利坚合众国。 我是NASA的宇航员,希望这个邮件能找到你的健康,我希望我们可以建立一个关系,因为我第一次在这里写信,当我看到你的个人资料并决定与你沟通时,我印象深刻。 我渴望认识你,我喜欢诚实,信任,爱,关怀,真理和尊重,我有这些品质,请通过我的私人电子邮箱(回复我。
                                  所以我们可以更好地了解自己,我希望从你那里读出非常有趣。 谢谢,希望尽快收到你的消息。



                                  Wjat does this shjt say

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    how can u compare 2 completely different forms of media? use your logic Lol=)

                                    haha easy ill just explicitly cast their adresses to void* and compare the byte values =)

                                    whoops sry u probably didnt understand cause only real programmers will get this! haha my bad! ;)

                                    < blank >

                                      you guys are so haHAA


                                        ? xD i'm Java Programmer. :) i solved hello world and utf-8 heart in 30 minutes.

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          mmhm java(xD) and not haskell =) hahaha ok bro! :)


                                            HASKELL? maybe go all in try assembler :D i always do assembler when im bored its so ezzz...

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              well if ure not intelligent enough to code direcly in binary code then thats an okay solution i guess)))

                                              1st class tourist

                                                St•u nerds

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  are u fourteen
                                                  all u do is spam threads with random insults trying to be "lE edGY xD"(hint: it looks pathetic)


                                                    xD u showed him. :clap: <3 Nice job! i want to try binary programmign XD but its so hard::::........... why should i do it ? ? what the benefit?

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      sry only 150+ IQ individuals can grasp it, i dont think u qualify *shakes head in dissapoinment*


                                                        how complicated does programming get during the cs studies?

                                                        when i tried to write a program to calculate the supersets yesterday i almost went crazy

                                                        1st class tourist

                                                          I am actually 11 turning 12 in february but thanks for asking

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            i dont know, depends on ur course plan/skill i guess?


                                                              assuming im smarter than u, how hard will it be?


                                                                how easy will it be* sorry!

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  i dont know, depends on ur course plan/skill i guess?


                                                                    Disclaimer: We don't expect you to know and/or work with python!

                                                                    task 1 from rated homework: write a program that does several set operations!! uni LuL

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      just watch rick and morty nibba


                                                                        "free speech" = "holocaust didnt happen", "black ppl arent human beings", "women should be slaves because i can't get sex" on /r/nazi?

                                                                        little do amerifats know that you get jailed in germany for saying something like that

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          we had to code sets and all operations couple of months into the course, in october/november i think

                                                                          i feel like ur and allisons courses are mega rushed, especially allisons

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            the very concept of everyone being free contradicts itself, check and mate libtards


                                                                              im still confused about allisons courses, idk why he got so much physics/chemistry shit in his plan

                                                                              im not sure what will happen in my course, but what i know for sure is that i will have to prep breakfast and start getting used to studying in the library soon cuz otherwise this shit gonna snowball

                                                                              i feel like the speed at uni is extreme compared to school, hell, it might not even be comparable


                                                                                trying to hold decent grades that is, i guess its not too hard to "pass" since u only need 5 points (= 1 of ~6ish tasks with full points)

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  uni is way faster than school for sure, what u woud study for a semester in school u study in 2-4 weeks in uni

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    well in uni they tell 4 years worth of high school knowledge in just 14 weeks


                                                                                      Nazis killed 6 million. Communists killed hundreds of millions. Why are communist subs still allowed?

                                                                                      how many ppl do u think did oxygen kill?

                                                                                      Jay the Bird

                                                                                        What kind of puss‌y studies during the semester


                                                                                          every kind

                                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                                            man wtf u dont understand its an engineering degree how am i not going to study physics. chemistry its 1 semester only and its pretty much some retarded thermodynamics so its still physics, i only went to 1 chem course and i fell asleep then i stopped going, and only go to labs
                                                                                            theyre pretty rushed ye and partials start in 2 weeks (except for a physics one i had yesterday and we had 2 subjects, a theory one and a task to solve and ive written nothing in the theory one ))) good start, good stuff its only 10% of final grade) and i dont even have all the courses.

                                                                                            and passing here is pretty hard, theres a saying between students that goes smth like "in year 1 only the first 3 years are hard" or smth

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              u mean "in uni only the first 4 years are hard"? (assuming ur degree is 4 years)

                                                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                                                no i mean u repeat the 1st year 3 times until u get into 2nd