General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion

    cz we dont give a shit hehe
    im still depressed after losing thrown race in my last game (such shit always make u feel bad), and i dont want to see any doto, even ti5 finals

    anyways, ty for info


      stahp your making me blush


        hell yea.

        Love that slark pick. Some fucking variety

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          O H M Y F U K C I NG G A W D I T S A S L A R K


            TI5 Grand Final Game 3!

            EG is pushing bottom ResidentSleeper while not being aware of Dark Seeres blink dagger. Dark Seer jumps in and vacuums 5 heroes! Suma1l gets an adrenaline and dodges vacuum even though he was hit by vacuum! The crowd goes WILD as Suma1l oneshots the enemy team with Sleight of Fist.


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              dark seer ion shell so dirty


                Lets see if Agresiff Slark comes close to Vaikiss slark Kappa


                  Dark Seer + Slark/Ember is dirty as fuck

                  Agresiff Slark stats, I'm sure his playstyle very much will favor playing this hero. High expectations.


                    nice save by Universe. Agresiff Slark shit :facepalm:


                      oh what happened im done no more typng till games over rofl

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Sumail is just weird with Ember, he thinks he is immortal or something.


                          this is actually 2-1 no way eg wins this


                            USA USA USA USA

                            man im so hyped for this tactical feeding


                              costly mistakes


                                These games are so enjoyable to watch, the constant aggression and counter ganks are amazing


                                  some 5 man dickholding <3

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    What do you guys think about early bkb on slark over a skadi this game? Rarely seen bkb on slark, and especially this early.


                                      all slarks in pro games are so fuckin dogshit :facepalm: :cheeky:


                                        ^still better than bane


                                          bkb is shit that game

                                          all it does is blocks fucking silence ? u can do same shit with manta or linken

                                          and bkb gives shitty stats compared to manta or linken


                                            so i just came home,.... i see its 1-1 any update on the other games?


                                              too much to explain. Great dota being played.

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                                                Close game, Fear doing really bad rotations in the earlygame, Agresiff being shit on Slark, but makes a comeback shows he knows what he's doing.

                                                Just watch, it's been pretty even. gr8 game


                                                  are u drunk?


                                                    It's a good game of Dota and i agree - Manta, Linkens or even Diffusal would do more for slark then bkb.

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      That silence was fucking game winning by aui.


                                                        nice fuckin abyssal instead of mkb from slark..


                                                          that slark is such a fucking imbecile

                                                          he hits mothereffing cogs instead of stealing damage and armour from clock while being coged and bkb'd :facepalm:


                                                            yea idk wtf he shoud have solo won this

                                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                                              Butterfly over mkb?


                                                                if he goes butter hes the worst mongoil in dota history

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  look at this mongol missing 100% hits

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    Slark going Butterfly instead of MKB as well, this is just retarded.


                                                                      they dont deserve to be in finals


                                                                        gg slark solo lose this cuz he has no brain, i actually hope they lose now, fuckin mongols

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                        plz do

                                                                          i just saw de best dotka game in ma lyfe.


                                                                            Uhm... No?

                                                                            I don't understand why people buy midas on Slark unless they are playing 6.83, vs. Techies (with Leshrac/QoP in team), or vs. some crazy lategame shit like Medusa.

                                                                            I feel people that buys midas ^If that does not imply, are people that buy shadowblade and just gank permanently having 30 minute skadi after 12minute Shadowblade. Basically don't understand when to farm and when to look for kills.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              oh shit

                                                                              The winners bracket team doesn't get a free win?

                                                                              Thats awesome actually. Glad they got rid of that. Winning team gets to not play as many games that day as advantage


                                                                                You have bkb abyssal and ulti all 3 fucking stuff you need to have in late game and you dont buy refresher as last item, instead he wastes gold on eaglehorn.
                                                                                And he is supposedly slark player. What a fucking idiot.


                                                                                  ya'll are kinda harsh on Agressif

                                                                                  hes been playing fanatically all tourney


                                                                                    Winner bracket advantage has never been in TI as far as I'm concerned. (Watched since TI2, when I started playing Dota)


                                                                                      no, he was supposed to buy mkb after basher, and then abyssal refersher

                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        They deserve it, him buying the wrong items in just one game doesn't change this fact. Don't give them shit for it.


                                                                                          everyone jsut doesnt want EG to win rofl

                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            Also yeah, he played fine, his item decisions was the real problem.


                                                                                              ^^We want our rares dude :rofl:

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                u must be fucking joking

                                                                                                any 4k slayer picker could perform better than him

                                                                                                and THIS IS MOST ELITE TOURNAMENT IN THE WORLD

                                                                                                and he plays so bad his item choices his playstyle and decision making in fights is so bad

                                                                                                as a slark picker ever since 2008 it hurts so bad to watch him play so bad

                                                                                                he fucking sucked dicks on pl in game before that guy is utter trash cant play pos 1 for shit


                                                                                                  yeah he played" fine", but he had money for mkb after that ancient fight vs gyro, when he realise he plays vs butterfly and solar crest and he miss 2hit/3, it was rly obvious after this that he couldnt do anything withou mkb and he goes abuyssal isntead

                                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                    "any 4k slayer picker could perform better than him"



                                                                                                      rofl go get ur pills, and he played fine

                                                                                                      a 4k Slark Slayer would've died more that he'd lasthit creeps