General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle with Iron Shit=OP?

Jungle with Iron Shit=OP? in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    ^ i jungle a core every single game, wanna party?

    Riguma Borusu

      @Hatsune: I Forgot you are actually rushing a farming item on LC :/

      @arin: I used to flame my whole team for picking 3 more cores after I pick legion, now I don't, I just mark jungle and say "fuck all". I never intended to jungle this hero, but was pretty much forced by people who think that can jungle = should jungle. Same shit when I pick naix.

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        How did this post get so out of hand? This is a very emotionally involved discussion if I ever saw one.

        While I don't think this item is a bad addition to the game, I feel like considering this is DEFINITELY a junglers item they could have made it more useful for more jungling heroes.

        Like there's only a few junglers I'd get it on, I tried getting it on Lycan once and it was shocking so I'm never doing that again.

        Perhaps like a slight boost to hp regeneration when you've recently been attacked by non-hero units (roshan excluded). That'd be cool imo.



          I feel you on the 'can jungle = should jungle' comment. DotA isn't LoL, the meta isn't so set in stone that one hero can only play in one position. Perhaps with an exception to Shadow Fiend...

            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

              Let me get this straight, Cosplayer. You are saying I'm wrong? You think DotA IS LoL? You also think that DotAs meta is the same as LoLs?

              Bitch, I stopped playing LoL BECAUSE the meta is so entrenched. You play this hero in this position 100% of the time or you lose.

              DotA certainly has some heroes like that, but for the most part the game is marginally more flexible than LoL.

              I'm not shitting on LoL if you think that's the case (perhaps that explains your baby-like visceral response). I'm merely pointing out that the games are quite different and DotA is more open ended than LoL in my experience.

              P.S.: Not sure where I said "Anything can work" as you quoted... I did a Ctrl + F search and everything!

              Riguma Borusu

                I don't think he's defending LoL, his comment probably has more to do with how vague that shit is.


                  The quote "DotA isn't LoL" is vague on it's own, good thing that's not all I said.

                  Perhaps that's all he read.

                  Sexo Meister

                    I dont get this thread

                    Iron talon is good on lc, but you can skip it if you are confident with your jungle farm

                    Why argue with the facts? If anyone here is an expert in lc then you should know that talon has its plus and minus, same as going without it.

                    But what i have seen is that talon makes so-so lc player jungle faster and grab that 6 min dag and roam.

                    You lc pros are dumb af when giving advices cus not all of us are as good as you are with that hero

                    going jungle with lc is wrong to begin with.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      "I dont get this thread
                      Iron talon is good on lc, but you can skip it if you are confident with your jungle farm"

                      It has nothing to do with confidence, skipping is literally giving up on free gold and exp if you're going lvl 1 jungle. It's comparable to never last hitting the ranged creep in your lane, and staying out of exp range when it dies, on purpose.

                      "Why argue with the facts? If anyone here is an expert in lc then you should know that talon has its plus and minus, same as going without it."

                      Talon only has plus and minus if you're roaming or laning. Even if you're an offlaner, now you can quickly snatch the hard camp if you're pressed hard in the lane, but you might have trouble with the gold early since if you're laning you're going to need that 500 gold for something else most likely.

                      "But what i have seen is that talon makes so-so lc player jungle faster and grab that 6 min dag and roam."

                      Well, it also improves timings in case people know what they're doing too.

                      "You lc pros are dumb af when giving advices cus not all of us are as good as you are with that hero"

                      Who the hell is a lc pro here. That 'title' sounds as dumb as when people call themselves 'insert shit here' expert. It's actually kinda cringeworthy. I'd more so call myself a generally experienced lc player, and nothing above that, not to mention most of that experience is normal/high skill.

                      "going jungle with lc is wrong to begin with."

                      Well, currently you're mostly playing in Normal skill, as I used to be when I started spamming LC, guess what, if a hero can jungle, he goes to jungle most times, even if you first pick and mark mid safelane or offlane. Sometimes people will not even consider what lane you go to, and proceed to go to your lane and farm it. On the other hand, jungling LC in Normal Skill is definitely not a wrong thing to do, you will hardly ever get ganked, your team will have more cores, opponents won't abuse weaker lanes and you'll be more likely to win that way.

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                        That item's rather like Smite from Gaybiens.