General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i get vhs

how do i get vhs in General Discussion

    3k dota is so stupid
    no courier
    teammates run away from you when you try to soak spells for teamfight
    0 wards
    need to install auto clicker in order to fucking use the courier



      Stop "soak".


        buy courier and wards


          its not so simple im a core who needs to plant 4 wards as well as carry detection and deward ok?!??!?


            Then play support...

            ...or Zeus. Ez dewarding.

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              how about not picking a core


                bottle is so fucking pointless when no one upgrades courier, your 4 other goons use it at 10 min to send a circlet and people steals ur runes, and people jack ur bottle crow

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                  im not suporting these mongols

                  Hatsune Miku

                    pls do my new meta centaur


                      GET 3,7K you will turn into VHS


                        These mongols are just as good as you are. All they need to play is good support.


                          they are not lol


                            they think you are a mongol and they are not willing to support u properly. both of u consider each other dogshit, and both are right.




                                ^^ Exactly...

                                U r delusional if u think u r better than them in anyway.. creating a smurf u still remain in NS and r losing so bad and blaming ur teammates..


                                Its ur mentality that is keeping u here, Learn to have patience calm down and for fucks sake PLAY support! Its not like u have the best mechanical skills to only play carry,... If u want to win then u have to play DOTA.. and dota is more than just ur LH's and farms...this is not farm,die,blame game...

                                If u still dont change ur mentality then u deserve what u r getting... thats all..


                                  Can it be a possible plot for Bollywood movie? Like... two mongol brothers separated at childhood find each other after 15 years while playing DOTA 2.


                                    such delusional kid will never get into high mmr.

                                    if you think you're better then you back up your claims and get to vhs


                                      could u please stop typing 4k garbage llol


                                        4k should be a godlike level from a perspective of sub 3k (mb sub 2k?) player


                                          4k? lmao

                                          tough talk from someone who can't even hit 3k :)

                                          inst:  MissMissclick

                                            i know how u feel bruh. usually i'll support but when i feel like playing core no supports. and then every1 buys shadow blades lel. no wards ggwp. but seriously though, if u r a good support its free games man.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              On your knees, mortal, and beg us to share our 4k knowledge with you!


                                                it's kinda sad how these NS scrubs are delusional creating smurfs and thinking they can calibrate higher and that they actually deserve more.

                                                blaming their losses on their teammates and useless things like wards or courier, sad.

                                                any real high mmr player, ex me, will know the location of every enemy on the map without any vision.

                                                clearly you can't even admit your mistakes so you come here and drain your frustration on us.

                                                go back to mommy, kid.

                                                  Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                                    i start thinking this thread is a trap and that op is someone i know


                                                      u think this is a joke?


                                                        i cant fucking do proper farming patterns when theres 4 other braindead cores stealing my jungle


                                                          Definitely a trap... He's going to slap our faces with his huge MMR!


                                                            well its 9/11, u kinda expect everything to be some kind of a trap today


                                                              He can't be Osama bin Laden, that guy only spams Techies with >10k tower damage every match.


                                                                my last storm game appeared as high skill, now it shows normalskill,is this some sick joke by valve?!??


                                                                  now i get dual mid by some 3k sf when i first picked morph is this even real life

                                                                  inst:  MissMissclick

                                                                    how do u know where they are without vision though

                                                                      Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                        how do u know where they are without vision though

                                                                        look his role mb


                                                                          like us hillary said, follow the role.

                                                                          i made a more detailed guide

                                                                          supports are very keen on being near cores, so if you see a solo support it's very likely that there's a core there or another support

                                                                          some cores can be by themselves depending on game time and enemy lineup

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                            If in 3k no ward and cour then buy it so you can get vhs.

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              ive tried smurfing and ive been matched with vhs people and i can truly say i do not belong in that bracket yet. ive only played 5 games won 2 lost 3 but ive learned so much.

                                                                              everything from how to keep lane equilibrium in a contested lane to watching positioning, i owe it all to smurfing. actually witnessing it first hand is different from just reading walls of text that describe the situations. still looking for time to play again lmao its addicting.

                                                                              although i am ns just play your best and the system will think youre a vhs smurf thats what i did. when you do play pls dont play ranked and make the legit vhs players get a crappy game bcs of you. im all in with smurfing for the sake of research and knowledge, but keep your shit to yourself once you do achieve vhs and dont waste bandwidth whining about losing.


                                                                                Stop being so negative. Adjust with how your team is doing and push your limits. 2k is worse than 3k.


                                                                                  if ya still searching how to get VHS
                                                                                  the answer is ' GIT GUD '

                                                                                  Hatsune Miku

                                                                                    OP is a troll


                                                                                      well done


                                                                                        Really? Im 1k bur sometimes teammate buy cour...


                                                                                          what a joke after i carried the game with slark nothing has changed


                                                                                            I mean if your that good, you should be able to escape the 3k trench ezly, but honestly just try to communicate with your team and keep a positive mental attitude


                                                                                              pick support. you'll learn so much and improve :)!


                                                                                                i dont support monkeys


                                                                                                  ^imagine this, if you play support you are playing a game with 4 monkeys with a support vs 5 monkeys that have no support, Now which team would win? plus playing support will help you improve and give you better insight on the game

                                                                                                  suck dick for pma

                                                                                                    I find I win more in vhs with support, try it ! :D


                                                                                                      or just spam SK , nevaaa lose . SK OP nowadays


                                                                                                        dont touch my sk >->