General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i get vhs

how do i get vhs in General Discussion

    im insane core player so i play core OK?!?!!?

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      Buy more wars dust carry alwaya dont be superman
      Now is dota2
      Not dota1 maphack gamer lol

      casual gamer

        ok dude INSANE 3k core player


          That-s not 3k dota my friend thats 1k, but the game measures certain things like a very low specific threshold of last hits and hero damage to evaluate you and it puts you in high 1k low 2k in reality when you go do ranked, but that-s not 3k sorry.


            i don't get why jajaaja is even asking this if he doesn't want the answers.


              Lol hahaha


                i dont want answers, i just wnat to expose this rigged matchmaking system, im playing like aproper 5k player yet the system forces me to play with these 3k scum


                  at least put some effort into shit/troll posting then


                    Go play kotl .:D


                      stop being fucking asshole and play support when needed i know solo support is fucking hard but thats how u win games


                        no man i win 1v9 thats how the proz do it


                          shitfucking these 3k kids back tot he fucking stoneage


                            then if your soo damn good why are you still at 3k?




                                Sir cookie can you help to explain to this person that it is possible to climb If u are good or at least not suck..

                                Try to be more polite mate..
                                That's one of the reason u matched with bad teammates, either they tilted and not perform to their full potential because u are annoying, or they just triggered and want u suffer and lose more then they win..

                                Climbing is possible..
                                Prove..? There are many Booster service..

                                In here if you need one u can call sir cookie..

                                INSAN KEKURANGAN

                                  lel nice triggerbait thread xD

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                                    Sir cookie can you help to explain to this person that it is possible to climb If u are good or at least not suck..
                                    Try to be more polite mate..
                                    That's one of the reason u matched with bad teammates, either they tilted and not perform to their full potential because u are annoying, or they just triggered and want u suffer and lose more then they win..
                                    Climbing is possible..
                                    Prove..? There are many Booster service..
                                    In here if you need one u can call sir cookie..

                                    lmfao ure a moron if you think so, the same playstyle at 5k used in 3k just causes you to feed sometimes thats why this matchmaking is so fucking enraging

                                    PMS Mantra

                                      Positive Mental Attitude.


                                        no it doesn't

                                        the playstyle that you'd use in 5k would let you go 20/0 in 3k

                                        as you can see from this smurf

                                        anyways, you want to bet money on your claims?

                                        you say it'd cause me to feed, i'd say it'd cause me to stomp

                                        we can bet real money on it, you provide me with any 3k acc you want and i'll play on it.

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                                          w/e ure too dumb to get the point

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                                          NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                            This is my only account. From unknow skill to vhs. Just play man u can get there. Pls no flame thanks :)


                                              then what's the point of making a thread to expose shit?

                                              these players would be lower mmr than you and clearly worse in every way, both teammates and enemies

                                              i don't see the point in bitching about it.

                                              do you think the matchmaking system is fair for those who play with people who bought accounts or playing against those who boost accounts?

                                              if you don't belong in that mmr ofc it's gonna be unfair for the enemy.

                                              and i'm pretty sure you wouldn't be 5k if you don't know how to play without wards or courier.

                                              you're talking so much bullshit you can't even keep up with your own story

                                              edit: way to change the post from ''i've boosted so many accs to 5k" to "w/e you don't even get it, mom!"

                                              at least be consistent with your shitposting

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                                              NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                                Look at my last game and recent matches. I play carry, This game we got alche in team and i pick support and i stacking and buy wards all game long. Point is u need to adjust what your team need, sometimes u lose sometimes u win, better this then pick 4 core line up and lose in 10 min game...And one tip: Balming your team never help :)


                                                  Clearly op's trolling.
                                                  He knows that he's bad.
                                                  People keep on feeding attention to him.
                                                  That's the main objective of this post lol


                                                    and if u are saying that you play the same way with 3k teammates and 5k teamamates u must be more braindead than i think


                                                      yes, because i can bring more to the game than the enemy

                                                      of course i'd teamplay even in 3k, that just makes it easier to win.




                                                          its not your teamates bro.if you want Dont play carries bro much better if you are support always. always youll buy courier and wards and also respond your opponent


                                                            just like i said , SPAM SK bold head !!!


                                                              how to get 4k? pick support, zone the enemy offlaner. buy courier and 1 ward, pull the mid 2 tangos, dont get frustrated when you lose (the hardest part) you will climb mmr slowly. dont give up and go all random (the worst you can do) teamfight only if you outnumber your enemy and best on your side. dont chase uphill. get boots before courier upgrade if you are a feeder gg part 1 of 7


                                                                Play in SE-A no kappa


                                                                  never mind op is from SE-A


                                                                    3k sea = 4k au


                                                                      MADE MY DAY KAKAKAK


                                                                        explain why playing in sea has been the easiest mmr in the past 3 months.


                                                                          ^ Explain why miracle cry when playing at SEA😂 .
                                                                          He's smurf taste a sweet lossing streak at SEA.
                                                                          Swirl is the Aussie ass who can't reach 4k ,the guy who always blame valve/his team mate for his mmr.😂


                                                                            ^ Explain why you're still low 3k after 2,700+ matches. Please don't wait until you get 4,000matches to reach 4k mmr. For sure this swirl will get triggered😂


                                                                              Oh I forgot to look @op, it seems that's SWIRL smurf. That '' rigged'',blame his team,blame mm system. Hahaha


                                                                                Stop bitching about it.. F*cking carry players always bitching about having no supports


                                                                                  wow high skill is so much better, the players are still braindead as dogs but at least they pick support and service me with tangoes and couriers :)
                                                                                  ezi vhs soon, kil yourself jealous 4k garbage