General Discussion

General DiscussionIdeas for 6.89

Ideas for 6.89 in General Discussion

    Faceless Void-Timewalk
    Any enemies that void timewalks through are autoattacked once.

    Dismember now does pure damage.
    If dismember has been channeled for the entire duration uninterrupted, the target suffers a disarm debuff, attack & move speed slow. These debuffs go through bkb, and cannot be purged off unless healed for the damage done by dismember.

    Death Prophet-Exorcism
    Exorcism now does magical damage, but still damages towers (like netherblast).

    Any enemies affected by netherblast will be decrepified. Decrepify ability removed. Pugna's new ability:
    Nether vision: Increases pugna's and ally hero's cast range.

    Share some of your ideas!


      Ember Spirit Ultimate dmg rescaled from 100/150/200 to 100/200/300

      Queen of Pain - Stiffling dagger ministuns the target during dmg tick and additional dmg of 1/2/3/4% of Max HP is applied during ticks.

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        Medusa splitshot rescaled from 80% dmg to 100/110/120/130
        And maybe +10 movespeed

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          Arc Warden's W now prevents all physical damage (Uncounterable).


            Phantom lancer restored to his old glory, with agility gain reworked to +4.5


              also hurricane pike becomes consumable to save slot for ultra-late


                jesus christ you guys are cancer


                  thank god none of these will come true. Pugna new skill would be legit and useful, but the netherblast buff could be broken

                  PMS Mantra

                    Dragon Lance reworked to give actual stats and not ones given to you by a hidden 500 gold recipe.


                      Monkey king

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                        1000 xpm

                          techies: stasis trap removed. new ability "drone attack" 500 cast range, lasts 3 min slow nearby random enemy by 10/16/22/28% and deals 5/10/15/20 dps. dmg is stackable. can be cast on units, trees and towers.


                            any cliff jungling heroes will receive a ban for 322days or 3154 hours. Unless they suck on gaben golden dildo then the ban is removed.



                              PMS Mantra

                                Update Dire jungle so I can cliff jungle already.


                                  make sf great again
                                  and storm even greater
                                  make leshrac radioactive again
                                  make qop scream again
                                  cucking raindrops is good to begin with

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                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    make sf great again
                                    and storm even greater

                                    You forgot Leshrac.

                                    And please nerf invoker

                                    Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                      Troll Warlord: Increase bash chance from 10% to 20%
                                      Viper: Corrosive Skin changed to Toxic Aura. Toxic Aura damages and slows enemies in a 400 radius. Lasts for 3/3.75/4.25/5 seconds
                                      DPS = 3% of Viper's current HP. Slows enemies by 15/20/25/30%
                                      Treant: Living Armor: Added a global aura when its day, works on a 900 radius when night. Gives 0.25/0.50/0.75/1% health regeneration.
                                      Wraith King: Changed Vampiric Aura to Loyal Dead. Gives Wraith King a burst type skill (works like Shadow Fiend's Aghanims).
                                      500 radius. Steals 15% of enemies current hp.

                                      Pale Mannie



                                          Troll buff
                                          PL buff
                                          QoP returns
                                          Leshie returns
                                          Lina returns
                                          Make OD OD again
                                          Nerf dragon lance and balanced talon

                                          Mulder Resurrected

                                            I think something should be done with Pugna definitely. The first post has kinda interesting suggestion, but I think that would make him impossible to be played with any physical damage dealer on a same team. maybe changes to his ultimate? I would say ultimate gives vision of the affected unit (like DP)

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                                              I guess you are not talking about void buff, he doesn't need any.


                                                Terrorblade: +1 armor


                                                  These are some of the most cancerous ideas ever... GABEN PLS ADD!


                                                    kunkka torrent or rum buff should be nerfed
                                                    morph nerf
                                                    TA buff
                                                    LD buff
                                                    SF buff
                                                    meepo buff
                                                    enigma nerf midnight pulse
                                                    DP buff crypt swarm
                                                    invoker buff


                                                      Jakiro and Ogre Magi buff.
                                                      2 head not enough? can you make 3 or maybe 5 head.
                                                      the effect is inteligence inreased.


                                                        Jakiro 3 heads with agha
                                                        Lightning dragon
                                                        6 skills
                                                        Holy shit this shit might actually get implemented

                                                        Coffee Bean~

                                                          a euls scepter UPGRDE!!!!! YE


                                                            NP Teleport to 2.5 second channel

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              qop is like the only hero listed here that needs a buff. Puck needs one too.

                                                              Void needs nerfs not buffs. Troll and storm are fine they way they are. Sniper could use a tiny reduction on shrapnel refresh maybe from 55 to 45, that might even be too much.

                                                              Qop buff range on dagger to 525 all levels, buff dmg on scream by 25 at all levels, buff her starting armor +1.

                                                              Puck give an extra 10 dmg on rift and orb all levels.

                                                              Vem Comigo

                                                                Why you would buff boid, and pudge, them ultra nerf Dp, and ultra buff pugna until broken lvls

                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                    Lina and Lesh need buffs.
                                                                    Sniper needs a buff like +5 base damage or his old Agility gain.
                                                                    QoP of Pain.

                                                                    Drow and Luna need nerfs. Sadly...
                                                                    Dragon Lance nerf. Sadly...

                                                                    Slight Mask of Madness, Assault Cuirras and Sange buffs.

                                                                    Oh and, bring back old PL, with improved agility gain of 4.5 per level. (:


                                                                      Lina, Leshrac, and QoP doesn't need buff. The raindrop that should be nerfed.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        well yeah that's probably more sensible. I don't get why raindrops were added anyway except to nerf all those mids? It destroys puck, qop, lina. What if we put an item in that absorbs that much physical dmg? Maybe make it block only 80 dmg and have a longer cd.


                                                                          Wisp - any rework to make him playable on less than 5k games

                                                                          Qop - buff to make her strong mid hero again with more potential to late game

                                                                          Pudge - really like couple his last buffs but he is still on same point, he is good ganker who can killing early/mid but he is so far away from carrying team

                                                                          Slark - rework his passive

                                                                          Pa - she is in weird spot for me,her dagger is kinda op we all know that but she is weak carry or weaker

                                                                          Tinker - remove from ranking games,this guy is abused from the ppl who boosting acc he is pain hate this hero...literally singl player hero,going from base and back every all game...nice fun

                                                                          Nerf invis - dust 0 second cd cheaper sentry

                                                                          More smaller changes to move meta for a bit

                                                                          Add more stats,players of the match etc

                                                                          Allow recalibration more often than once per 5 years

                                                                          game is bad

                                                                            Void's Time Walk makes him a hard carry that can solo the offlane. It shouldn't time walk damage taken within the last 2 seconds at level 1. It should be last 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds.

                                                                            Kunkka's X Mark should be dispellable. As it is, it's just a better version of Glimpse.

                                                                            Winter's Wyvern ult should apply all enemy passives, like AM mana burn, to the affected target.

                                                                            OD's Arcane Orb should cost half the value against non-hero units. His Aghs upgrade should make it so that enemies actually have their sanity eclipsed, randomizing their spell and item keybinds for 30 seconds.

                                                                            Tinker's Agh lasers should only blind the first target, not every target.

                                                                            Morphling stunned or cc'd should morph at half the rate.

                                                                            Timbersaw's Reactive armor should have a minimum damage threshhold, so he can build some stacks off creeps, but not all.

                                                                            Bloodstone should take up 3 charges in addition to what you lose if you suicide with it (you can still suicide with less than 3 charges, it just takes 3 charges if you have it).

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              Add play of the game segment at the end of the match with player perspective


                                                                                Void already had his chronosphere nerf and damage nerf, he doesnt need anymore nerfs.
                                                                                And since you guys are asking for mask of madness buff i have the perfect solution!
                                                                                MASK OF MADNESS ATTACK SPEED INCREASE FROM 100 TO 200 :O OH SHIT
                                                                                MASK OF MADNESS MOVE SPEED INCREASE FROM 17% TO 50% OMG
                                                                                MASK OF MADNESS DAMAGE TAKEN INCREASED FROM 25% TO 50% OMG!!!!
                                                                                MASK OF MADNESS NOW PROVIDES 80 DAMAGE WHEN TURNED ON.
                                                                                MASK OF MADNESS NO LONGER COSTS MANA.
                                                                                MASK OF MADNESS DURATION INCREASED FROM 12 TO 18.
                                                                                MASK OF MADNESS RECIPE COST DECREASED FROM 900 TO 500.
                                                                                MAKE IT HAPPEN VALVE


                                                                                  Gaben please buff qop and ember, thanks!


                                                                                    Sniper's Assasinate reworked: now works exactly like mirana's sacred arrow (for skillshots) but more damage.
                                                                                    Void's time dilation reworked: Now aura, closer you are to him the slower your cooldowns get but cooldowns are never frozen.
                                                                                    time dilation manacost removed, time dilation slow decreased from 8% to 5%.
                                                                                    Clockwerk's power cogs reworked: After power cogs duration has ended, 1 of the power cogs will not dissapear but will stay there for 50 seconds. The power cog that stays and doesnt dissapear will no longer push back, damage, and burn mana but will gain clockwerk's battery assault ability with a radius of 500.

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                      Gaben: My worshippers want qop buff? Very well i shall reward you.
                                                                                      Qop's ultimate now applies a concussion debuff, adding a 40% miss chance and 80% turn slow for 5 seconds.

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                                                                                      Hatsune Miku

                                                                                        Lc MoC now has a chance to do 2/2/3/4 attacks, lifesteal reduced to 20% on all lvls


                                                                                          > game is bad - great ideas, man!

                                                                                          > Void's time dilation reworked: Now aura, closer you are to him the slower your cooldowns get but cooldowns are never frozen. - like!


                                                                                            on a serious note, sf's starting armor and hp needs to be slightly buffed

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              yeah ive been playing a lot of mid lately and all the sf's ive ever laned with have all sucked. not that theyre bad i could definitely see a guy stacking and killing neuts in off time, while pushing out the lane during rune spawns. hero just so soft almost as soft as a cm lmao

                                                                                              Coffee Bean~

                                                                                                Things i wish for

                                                                                                Puck changes
                                                                                                -Increase agi and int growth by 0.1( why? no reason in particular XD )
                                                                                                -Remove aghs upgrade.
                                                                                                -Make Dream Coil have a BKB piercing coil-break stun at lvl 2-3.
                                                                                                -Breaking Coil now stuns for 1.5/2.5/3.5 from 1.5/2.25/3(1.5/3/4.5 with aghs).
                                                                                                -While coiled you receive 20% more damage ( debuff disappears after breaking coil ).

                                                                                                Euls scepter
                                                                                                -If you use cyclone on yourself you are able to cast it again to change where you land within 150 units( i don't know how far 150 units is but i guess not that far since melee attack range is 150).
                                                                                                -now has an upgrade Euls+Aether lens XD

                                                                                                not arin

                                                                                                  make sf a non-meme hero

                                                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                                                    Techies: buffed


                                                                                                      6.89: Cyka IPs have been blocked


                                                                                                        Viper: Nethertoxin removed
                                                                                                        Viper's new ability: Viper Swoop, Swoops at an enemy like phoenix. Causing slow, magical damage, ministun and current level of corrossive skin will be applied. Range: 600/700/800/900