General Discussion

General DiscussionIdeas for 6.89

Ideas for 6.89 in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    that's terrible, viper without nether toxin would be a terrible hero


      Bring back Tusk, rework his ulti for ffs, es has a better 2nd without his aghs. Remove his 3rd and make it into an aura ( need a toggle on aura), aghanims will grant vision of enemies under a given range , does not grant vision of invisible units. And give his kick 150% critical. Atleast then an undroppable aghs will be justified.
      Rework io, give him aghs can tether enemies and improve relocate, after underlord his ultimate is pretty much shit. Reduce the CD immensely and, just make him playable as a legit support.

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        Stop making abilities for viper and cancer heroes


          Give leshrac 3.5 strength gain. And 6 armor starting. And improve lightning cast point. The cast animation is longer than the slow duration, u lose ground on a slow wtf. And make his aghs give more survivability. Maybe DMG reduction or lifesteal on one of his abilities.


            Luna needs more ago/strengtg gain but she still gets rekt by raindrop. Rip

            Full Давай

              new jungle creeps with flying ability

              around cliff jungling spots


                i'm still yet to see a valid suggestion here

                all these are straight out insane

                doc joferlyn simp

                  what would u suggest then


                    Radiance miss chance removed- damage +20. Such a stupid cancerous item with 17% miss chance, don't know why Icefrog thought it would a good idea.

                    casual gamer

                      gyrocopter flak cannon cd reduce OR shots increase

                      or bring rocket barrage back from the dumpster


                        Timbersaw, timberchain not being interupted by stuns(i miss this)
                        SF- more movespeed


                          Flak cannon needs major cd reduction. Tbh my ideas r purposely a bit much cuz the heroes i specify r shit in competetive meta


                            When i said luna i mean lina fyi

                            Chewie ಠ_ಠ

                              Lol so many ridiculous ideas. I like the nether vision skill but the other are way unbalanced



                                Battery Assault can be toggled to hit or not hit creeps/non-hero units


                                  Also @Daddy suggests an int hero that is strongest when fights go long should have 6 base armor and 3.5 str gain

                                  >Checks profile

                                  >normal skill

                                  No surprise there

                                  roshan killerz

                                    Pa changed to ranged hero with 8 sec bat, 2 agi gain 1000 atk range, blur scaling 2,3,4,5% miss and coup chance 1% for 125% dmg

                                    Massive Dynamic

                                      This thread is so cancer.


                                        Riki: ulti is now global.


                                          Lets add more cancer
                                          Spectre haunt CD decreased
                                          Spec stat gain increased by 1
                                          Illusions has dispersion
                                          Dispersion pierces through spell immunity
                                          Desolate pierces through spell immunity
                                          Spectral dagger slow removed
                                          Spectral dagger stuns


                                            Seriously a slight indirect buff to magic damage heroes would be nice to bring back lina,qop,leshie, etc
                                            Like creep magic immunity aura decrease, or teardrop nerf


                                              BUFF TINKER
                                              LASER DAMAGE UP 30 DMG PER LEVEL
                                              ROCKET NOW PURE DAMAGE
                                              MARCH NOW DEAL PURE DAMAGE AND INCREASE DAMAGE BY 1
                                              REARM MANA COST REDUCE 50%
                                              AETHER LENS NOW PROVIDE VISION FOR TINKER ONLY ( THIS IS RIDICULOUS)
                                              TINKER SCEPTER MAKE MARCH PIERCE MAGIC IMMUNE
                                              OKAY NOW VOTE IT BOIS


                                                Ok this is "make your favorite hero broken" thread?

                                                Phantom Assassin

                                                Coup De Grace chance increased from 15% to 25%

                                                Stifling Dagger now fully pierces magic immunity

                                                Stifling Dagger slow replaced with purge

                                                Blur is no longer affected by Break

                                                Phantom Strike changed from +130 attackspeed for 4 attacks to +130 attackspeed for 2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds

                                                Vladimir Putin

                                                  Decrepify now grants free movement

                                                  Nightmare now causes the victim to see and hear nothing AT ALL for the duration, not even what their allies can see.

                                                  Enfeeble is now a passive ability whose effects are applied to the victims of Bane's other spells. Those spells now cost more mana.

                                                  Doom; DOOMED heroes can now be devoured if their current HP is 30% of Doom's. Doom gains their longest cooldown non-ult spell but loses it after one cast.

                                                  Furion's Treants move at 522 when near trees, Aghanim's causes them to swfitly regenerate as well.

                                                  Happy Little Trees spawned by GG branches will grow into permanent, respawning trees just like the ones that exist at the beginning of the game if any of a large number of point target/unit target spells are cast on them - Eyes in the Forest, Sprout, Empower, Shadow Word, Enchant, Purify, Shallow Grave, Mist Coil, Arcane Seal, etc

                                                  Techies Suicide cooldown reduced to 30 seconds, Landmines go back to their previous cooldown manacost and even higher damage, but also go back to 2.0 seconds activation delay. Stasis Traps have permanent duration.

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                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    Pounce now applies a mini stun when a target is hit

                                                    Mana regeneration is also given when the passive of Shadow Dance activates

                                                    Dark Pact also removes buffs from target hit with at least 3 instances of Dark Pact

                                                    Essence Shift gives Agi, Str, or Int stacks whenever Slark hits a target

                                                    When Slark is on Pounce he is invulnerable (like Faceless Void during Time Walk)

                                                    The more stats stolen, the slower the enemy moves

                                                    Shadow Dance now lets Slark walk through units

                                                    and finally:

                                                    Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade: Stats stolen is shared among Slark's teammates proportionate to each allied hero's current stat count (percentage based)


                                                      More cancer sugestions
                                                      Shadow razes deals pure damage
                                                      Shadow razes radius increased
                                                      Shadow fiend's strength gain increased by 1.5
                                                      Shadow fiend's attack range is increased by 50
                                                      Necromastery max soul increased to 24/30/36/42 soul while aghanim gives 56 max
                                                      Requiem of soul deals pure damage and stuns
                                                      Requiem of soul purges debuff and purges buff from the enemy team


                                                        OFC the void spammer would love to buff void LUL


                                                          Terrorblade, more armor LUL
                                                          No but Fr.
                                                          Sf needs a buff, movespeed or a bit more strength gained per level
                                                          Aghs for beast master could allow hawk to grant detection, and have an effect on boar
                                                          Visage rework, keep the W and ult, but he needs something done for him
                                                          Pa nerf to dagger, a bit too good early game
                                                          Anti Mage needs a buff, he's not the carry he used to be
                                                          And rework almost all aghs, so many are useless. Rework jug aghs since it's never viable.

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