General Discussion

General DiscussionHow legit is jungle right now?

How legit is jungle right now? in General Discussion
{Mid}dle of your Heart

    recently managed to climb from 3k shit trench to 4k solo. And i am really wondering, why there are still so many guys going for first pick LC/BS or even WK jungle.
    Okay, 4k isn't really where u can find DotA sages, but still; jungle feels so underwhelming if the other team roams on your mid or contests safelane with a dual offlane, and yet there are lots of players who prefer lame afk farming to some early game action.
    Am i wronr or right? Give me your thoughts on this subject

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      If your carry knows how to play, jungle is fine. It IS greedy, but it pays off well if it works.


        ya its still crap
        those people are the kind of people that doesn't follow the meta, account buyers, or just stupid and narrow minded as fuck


          simply they go jungle because they're idiots with trust issues who want to lose mmr


            it's ok if it's done well, but still, jungling is and will always be risky as fuck

            Sugar Show

              jungle iz life

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Agree with 6.7k Sam FP
                2K bws please go learn proper Dota kappa

                Johnny Rico

                  if your safe can easily win againt the offlane, you can jungle, if your offlane isnt terrible you can jungle, but pick junglers that gank, if you stay 6-8 minutes in jungler and them go gank, rotate to enemy jungle and gank again.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    One does not simple jungle,but if she/he/it jungle either he always bring tp and always ready to join war or if continue farm he/she/it must perform well after farm out.


                      Jungle is ok based on the premise that you trust your mid and carry to lane well, plus it depends on their laning strength and set up. I'd argue jungle is jut situational but most of the time to greedy and a second support with semi carry potential pays more dividents.

                      Lets do Science

                        Jungle Legion is game ruining bad. Like seriously. You have 0 impact on the game for the first 5-6 mins. You also take up valuable resources like the possibility to stack camps, tie the courier up with ferrying jungling items at a time where the couriers most impactful, and pretty much limit your team to static laning due to having only one support. If everything goes fine, then yeah you're gonna win. You guys were already winning 4v5. If anything goes wrong, you're basically just dead weight.

                        Your ability to snowball after you hit duel timing + Blink is pretty garbage because you do crap for damage and can't win a duel by yourself, forcing you to rely on the teammates you starved and left to do the actual fighting while you jerked off in the jungle. Of course its gonna work in potato tier doto because you can literally do whatever you flipping want in those games and still win. Against enemies with more than one brain cell though, jungle legion is basically a free loss for the team that has her.


                          It's the bane of 3k for sure, something like a 44% win rate? I instantly tilt when I see anyone first pick a jungler or even flag the jungle without any info on lanes/roles for either team.


                            well i happened to win a game with a jungle doom
                            so it doesnt feel so bad as long as the jungler's active and not feeding the roamer and we arent losing lanes

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              I thought in my 3k bracket, most of jungler picker just picked to jungle because they would not play sup...


                                all the jungle hate lol..
                                in my opinion jungling for the first 10 min is fine, because in early stages of the game its hard to make a kill. if u can jungle well, u get the same farm as ur safelane carry. i rather have a jungling bs than a duo useless support lanesitter. why u want a roaming hero instead? yeah the roaming hero could fix a kill or 2 in first 10 mins but if not u have a dead weight for rest of the game, whereas a jungling bs rupture the enemy mid hero in min 5-6 and he will be lvl 6 consistently at that time.

                                all u guys do, is to follow the typical pro dota meta and think u need to exactly copy it. thats narrow minded in my opinion.

                                i play 50% of my games in jungle and i can't complain about my winrate..



                                  Putins Price Hike

                                    jungle died a long time ago. will work in shit tiers but not vs good players. good players will punish ur other 4 team mates while u struggle vs jungle creeps


                                      ^or contest you in jungle and you feed


                                        i think jungle works only in low mmr games, i am 3k and no one mess with the jungler, so is like having 2 safelane carrys free farming..


                                          That's pretty much it new moon... this game encourages bully behavior. It's always fun trolling a game where in the first five seconds people flag lanes and then watching someone flag jungle, letting them pick and then picking another core or jungle and rage that you didn't accommodate them.

                                          Then comes the bile comments, reports because you didn't pick a support. But it's totally worth -25 when you're not too serious about rank.


                                            if 5k is shit tier than its ok :)..
                                            so u wanna contest the jungler? ok lets contest an always full hp bs, which u have to search in jungle and try not to die, because he has higher lvl than u, more farm than u and probably runs faster than u. i love riki picks when i go jungle bs for example. when u realize that u gain less xp from neutrals u know he is near u, pop dust and ez kill.
                                            and when a roamer camps/searches the jungler the argument for weak lanes is obsolete. because lanes are 4vs4 than.


                                              or riki snipe courier that is bringing you dust

                                              but yeah you are right - jungle is not obsolete especially if you got strong laners

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                Dude flagging the jungle to force someone to support is legit. Then u can pick support knowing u have a buddy. U basically force a friendly pick.


                                                  ^ nice tactic daddy haha


                                                    works fine if the other 4 ppl in ur team know u gonna jungle in advance, and are not completely austistic aka picking antimage/rubick sort of safelane


                                                      im fairly certain you cannot lose with a jungler on your team.

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        So the question come, : -
                                                        HurrDurr, Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah, TripleSteal- said in some situations jungle will be good.

                                                        Sarllo, Drekkor , 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 vote jungle install lost mmr.

                                                        So who is right?

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                        Dr. Banana

                                                          those people are the kind of people that doesn't follow the meta, account buyers, or just stupid and narrow minded as fuck

                                                          Is it okay if I jungle with only lycan and lane with other heroes?

                                                          P.s. I've learned my lesson with ls jungling.


                                                            the only heroes that are acceptable to jungle with no matter what is enigma, doom, ench, and chen
                                                            and I doubt those retards first picking shit asking for jungle know how to play them


                                                              I liked jungling untill I met these new dbuff filters, I checked my solo mmr games by role and lanes and I decided to stop jungling when I saw i had 46% wr as jungler, 62% as safe laner, 60% mid, 52% off... It's actually a pretty good tool to see where you fail at.
                                                              Jungling too much has been holding me back I guess, eventho I felt like I was wining more than losing.


                                                                Doom jungle is pointless when in lane he farms faster. I think fuck if i know lol.

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  the point of a jungler is to open up a lane for maximum profit of the whole team then just steamroll the enemy team with your team's significantly higher gpm/xpm

                                                                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                    imo only dire jungle is good, you are truly being efficient with your resources, radiant jungle is just taking away resources from mid.


                                                                      Jungle is fucking life. Get midas first and boom! Your team won.


                                                                        Jungling is really bad when u have certain safe or mid heroes who enjoy clearing stacks, like sven, alch, storm, sf, luna, etc. It is greedy, but sometimes it backfires and ur teams farm is up, but ur farm dependent snowbally core hero who basically ends by 1v5 enemy team with their individually high networth will be lower.

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          that's why junglers in pubs usually signal a lose. you need a clear goal/vision of how you are going to win, be it 5 manning at 16 mins down the enemy's tier 3 or turtling the game with a super hard carry. your draft has to revolve around surviving the early game in order to absolutely dominate and end in the mid game, where your amassed gold and xp is most effective

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            people pick selfishly, so might not work


                                                                              wild there are hiding somewhere waiting to strike or the farmers are waiting for the enemies to get bored.


                                                                                Daddy - my eyes glaze over when that happens. Jug safe, ember mid, pa off and LC jungle? Fml


                                                                                  well jungling its like you have to perfect it in 6min you have to be level 6 and get out of jungle if you dont wanna losse ur game

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                      Ye like having ur support underlord chain pull and stack jungle or doing it with kotl. Its starts out with more of a pulling thing, transitions to a little bit of jungle with canp stacking, then leave to roam/gank.


                                                                                        I remember making a jungling LC goes 0-6 in 6 minutes
                                                                                        I think that guy got paranoid of playing jungle again


                                                                                          You have done us all a great service bws

                                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                            ^ Nah,he beat 2.0K noob junglet that won't show on you 2.9k game so don't worry.


                                                                                              It's good with heroes who can jungle fast and who benefit from a fast level 6 and can assist other lanes with it. So guys like Enigma, Legion, Bloodseeker. Regardless of what people say a fast blink and level 6 on Legion can assist other lanes (particularly mid) greatly and let Legion herself snowball.


                                                                                                Jungling is fine
                                                                                                Jungling lvl1 w riki roamer is not fine
                                                                                                Picking a hero that can jungle is fine
                                                                                                First picking lc while marking jungle is not fine
                                                                                                Don't be that guy
                                                                                                If u have that guy, make sure dat riki doesn't anal him
                                                                                                If he is a stupid fuck and can't even farm jungle proberly, leave him to feed and support the actual cores who are playing how they should

                                                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                                    50-51% win the games With Juggernaut,BS,Wrath King,Axe etc.

                                                                                                    The most reliable picks for woods for a 70-80% wr: Lone Druid,Chen,Ursa,Beast Master etc. you get the idea..

                                                                                                    Casually if u feel pressure from picks like Rikor,Kunkka-S.Demon,Bounty etc.
                                                                                                    it's diff to get back the exp. and gold cause of them.."Dire Lose"

                                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                      Yeah I experienced that too. Jungle 90% loss. Even tho I can play whatever is needed, but when I marked safe lane cause I just wanted to play some carry today..then your team mate is about to pick Witch Doctor...then proceeds to pick jungler, or another carry, that´s what happened to me like 10 times when I picked Sven. :D Even tho Sven is super hero(super ez to get farm), just stack big camp, get some extra gold from jungle..but when people are scumbags you can´t do anything and you can play Sven as a freaking support. I don´t get people around 4k mmr when they last pick some absolute bullshit even tho I always ask them what they want to play...some people just don´t care and autopick some bullcrap.


                                                                                                        Anyone saying jungle LC is insta-loss is an idiot. As long as your safelane carry doesn't get dumpstered and you get blink at a decent timing, you'll likely win.