General Discussion

General DiscussionHow legit is jungle right now?

How legit is jungle right now? in General Discussion
Megu Rum

    I jungle every game and I am in the VHS bracket. One might argue that I would be in diamond 10 bracket if I didn't jungle.


      yea i can see how green your page is^^


        go green man

        Megu Rum

          You are supposed to look at the last 1000 matches, not just 20.

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            "One might argue that I would be in diamond 10 bracket if I didn't jungle."
            ok so jungle every game is not legit for people trying to win.

            M U R D E R

              With veno jungle being picked in competitive i dont think is entirely bad

              黃老邪 Hoàng Dược Sư

                IMO there are fews reasons why they pick jungle hero.
                1. They don't want to play support. Cuz 2k scrub think sup is playing a hero with 10 wards and a brown boots in the inventory.
                2. They don't want to spent they brainpower to do the shitty laning phase, where everyone just focusing on banging each other and not focusing on getting cs( typical 2k again ...)
                3. This is probably the most crucial factor, they want to get perfect item timing, who gonna blame u when u got a 6 min dagger as LC ??? Well ofcourse the enemy already got double of that blink in the mean time. Problaby when people got 6 slotted the game is more fun as u think u are fucking strong XD, just like in some fkin chinese MMORPG where everyone just get excited by the flashy skill on the screen.

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