General Discussion

General DiscussionBehaviour score > mmr

Behaviour score > mmr in General Discussion

    any tips how to raise BS? D+ level is unplayable, toxic feeder every game.


      hehe why valve doesnt learn fucking lesson and stop going public with this matchmaking shit. We are gonna have a wave of this imbeciles blaming behaviour score for shitty matches.

      how to improve? stop being fucking toxic retard like you are in your games. read the chat of your last game and try to conclude what is wrong

      and I am d+ also and its same stuff. You have good games and bad games.


        its for the majority bad games

        i just had 3 ruined matches in a row

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        Mlada i Luda

          i dont understand how behavior score works exactly, now after the patch changes. i had a D+ yesterday , wich means around 3k4k with the old metrics , after 3-4 , games which i made at that period time today it shows " normal". which from what i know already those who had around 8.5k+ , now they have "normal". im not sure, but maybe valve is giving the chances to everyone to completely recalibrate theyr bs. i cant confrim that tho , im jsut assuming , but give it a try brah play some games as a " normal person " lol, dont abbandon dont flame ,and try not te get yourself reported for some reason.


            I'm sure it's gonna be everyones excuse now for having shitty mmr

            Mlada i Luda

              @I play for fun lol .. isn't that some basic thing tho. like in everything else your behavior have an impact in your " succes" , lets say school , job, career ect. why should it be different in dota ?

              what's with all this " phobia" , about people having "excuse" about theyr mmr tho? cant understand why it concerns?

              maybe the " high " mmr players feel concerned about it cause , it make them feel that maybe they might be same skill as some " low" mmr players but they are high only cause of thye good behavior ?? cause i dont get it rly im rly confuse about it since, mmr is not a big deal for me and i have no emocional feelings about it?

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                im only talking about intentional feeders ruining the games and unbearable toxicity

                sure not always but often

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                  bs is the same as mmr
                  ur teammates (and opponents, topo, i guess) are jsut as toxic as you are


                    no matter all the retards that you meet who ruin ur games when the time goes on u will climb eventually and now there will be someone who's @ a flat 50% win rate saying shit like "oh my mmr is low cuz every game I play with retards cuz of my low behavior score" rofl just a stupid fucking excuse for being bad and lazy to learn the game.

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                      Your bad "I play for fun".

                      Friendly player

                        ^ not really triplesteal. BS shows only how much you got reported or abandoned games. Some people actually forget to report. Happens to me sometimes when i say shit or unpause everytime my teammates disconnect but still didnt get reported

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                        Mlada i Luda

                          yeah, but why are you so concerned and bothered by those people? at first place "no matter all the retards that you meet who ruin ur games when the time goes on u will climb eventually" , this is not completely true , i dont how much bacis foundamental things you know about life , but i cant explain it else. as i said same jsut like everything else in this life ofcc your behavior its an factor in your " road to succes" , that can be your carree , school, " mmr ", whatever. ofc i know a lot of people even i real life who did not" shine" , at theyr shcool, caree, cause of theyr " bad behavior " compare to some other who were less talented " skillful" but they were more succesfuc cause of theyr behavior. whats the problem here, still dont get it? is'nt that noormal yo uthink?


                            u cant blame with 3100 mmr nothing

                            ok well i have benn playing on 3k flat ( 3150 mmr currently) and i have met shit teammates every game ,but guess what, i win almost every game even with shitstains everyfucking game


                            as i said, at that mmr and anything below 4500 mmr u cant tell that its hard to get out of that trench


                              me and everyone 1500 mmr higher that u can win all games on YOUR account easy


                                so ur saying there's absolutely no toxic players in high mmr 7k, 8k, 9k... ? cuz by ur logic everyone who's successful has such a fucking great behavior. and if someone who's 3k mmr there's no way for him to become a 7k or 8k mmr asshole in 2-3 years? stop smoking pls.


                                  @i play for fun (not afeect, the other one)

                                  it would only make sense if u played smthng like 40-50 games in total
                                  on a large sample this random events do no have any significant effect


                                    im pretty sure there are more toxic players in 5k+ than in 0-3k

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      @qweqew, idont know what you talking about, i have not told anything of what your assuming i did. !!!!

                                      how is your mmr exactly ? are you sure that your now 1500 mmr less than i am btw?!!!! are you ???

                                      it seems you reply to something that no one talked about it , but its somehew already " inserted " in your mind. but i do understan whats your point. and i will explain it rly simple.
                                      ofc " skill " is the most important factor , i did not hear ( see) anyone denying that already . if you think thats the case of why those kids complaing about matchmaking , i think that your were wrong .

                                      "hard" is a abstract "relative " term in depend on the point of the view everyone has his own " metrics" when it commes to that.
                                      bs can be a important factor to decide how much " hard" it is gonna be.

                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        "@I play for fun lol 9 hours ago
                                        so ur saying there's absolutely no toxic players in high mmr 7k, 8k, 9k... ? cuz by ur logic everyone who's successful has such a fucking great behavior. and if someone who's 3k mmr there's no way for him to become a 7k or 8k mmr asshole in 2-3 years? stop smoking pls"

                                        what does all of this have to do with the discus were having ? who said that what you jsut writted? same as qweqew , ithink your debating about something else which is already "inserted " in your mind. but were not in same page at all, all this disccus about bs is not related with you jsut said brah rly.

                                        + why people keep making equivalents between bs and toxicity ??? toxicity is only a small factor of bs . is the less problematic one actually , its almost "worthles" , since people can deal with that already cause " mute " exist. what yo ucant deal with are acc, buyers. rager quiters, throwers, ect.ect, those are usually the reason why people get reported a lot

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                                          teammates but not opponents. It's an endless losing cycle


                                            im pretty sure it affects both sides of a match


                                              i feel sad for mafioso's inability to form a proper short and precise sentence or to use the fucking quote feature.


                                                ive heard that coop with bots does the trick

                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  i feel sad for you having much bigger "personality , mental " problems , lack of "balls" lul. i would not worried at all about some mechanical typing problems if i was you .


                                                    your posts are unreadable, and not to mention the contents are incomprehensible stupidity.


                                                      bs can be a important factor to decide how much " hard" it is gonna be
                                                      Explain why

                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                        lul , explained thousands of time . and from what isee 99.99% have already understand it , im sry again , some people have to been left behind , this is how it works.


                                                          Some douchebag has 3k behaviour score. How is it harder for him in comparasion with someone with 9k?


                                                            If it was for both sides I wouldn't have like a 30% win in ranked (even lower in lp i presume) the last year

                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                              @TripleSteal- 10 hours ago
                                                              im pretty sure it affects both sides of a match...

                                                              to be honest ithink like that too, but im not sure about it. but it doesnt matter at all at least for me. it make dota not enjoyable at all, in both scenarios, and it doesnt help you at all at improving in dota also , since the games will be completely unbalanced.


                                                                my point is that it's tilting to play in a team with players who ruin the game for you just bcause they feel like it. it's not an excuse to have a low mmr, it just makes the game not enjoyable. Something which was not happening nearly as much as when i had 8k+ BS.

                                                                I don't want to play dota if 2/3 games i will get a feeder who will eventually make me tilt. So I'm looking for ways to increase my BS.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  it make dota not enjoyable at all

                                                                  actually whole purpose of it is to make it enjoyable. It doesnt help you improve? Dunno, talking less and playing better kinda makes you improve at this game. great logic mafioso


                                                                    So I'm looking for ways to increase my BS.
                                                                    Bs improves when your conduct summary is clean. Clean conduct summary= No abandons, no reports and commends if possible. Translated, stop being piece of shit that made other people not enjoy the game thus reporting you so you get in the place where are you located now. cheers.

                                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                                      "I don't want to play dota if 2/3 games i will get a feeder who will eventually make me tilt. So I'm looking for ways to increase my BS."
                                                                      fair enough , looks prety reasonable to mee.

                                                                      anyone here that doesnt agree with it ? or things that @.snakemonger, is a retarded duning kruger delusional kid?? speak now or silence forever . im here to stand agains everyone who dares to confront my boy .. comme show me your " balls " XDDDDDDD


                                                                        iirc the only reports i ever get is from junglers to whom i tell to stop blaming the laners for losing lanes coz he is the one who made them lose by picking ultra greedy jungle and to stop stealing my jungle rotation camps.


                                                                 this is chat of your game. Somebody tell me that you dont deserve being put with other toxic trashes?


                                                                            that was only after he started intentionally feeding. as i said, this stuff makes me tilt.


                                                                              You are tilted in 80% of your games. Check your own games and chat of them. Even when you play like horse shit and you should be quite as fuck. Try to realise nobody intentionaly gave you shit BS, you were toxic on constant base.


                                                                                op ur shit plus toxic aswell what u expect?

                                                                                my advie is for u to play 300 games as voker 300 as tinker 300 as sf and u gona get gud

                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                  "Coroner 9 hours ago
                                                                                  You are tilted in 80% of your games. Check your own games and chat of them. Even when you play like horse shit and you should be quite as fuck. Try to realise nobody intentionaly gave you shit BS, you were toxic on constant base."

                                                                                  thats true , thats my point , this is how im trying to help those guys. to make them understand that bs matters and is something you should respect , and " care" about it . bs is something that you deserve to have it the way it is, no matter waht you think , after you realise it yo ucan work on it, but deny it existencial doesnt help at all. that was my point all the time .


                                                                                    bruh how do i block posts from this nig ga i am done for real

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                      how to rise BS???? Something what every noob can get 10k, just on "gg wp", "commend all team", "wp all", "I will support", "relax", "take fun"... I haven`t seen anyone who is chill to get report.

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        I have D
                                                                                        Just chill the hell out and let good conduct summary do it's job


                                                                                          jedino da se ne pojavljujes na ovaj sajt vise al meni je zabavno :D

                                                                                          < blank >

                                                                                            The Katz


                                                                                              Ma i ja cu prestat dolazit, sve retardirano.

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                al ti im trebas znas znanje


                                                                                                  gaystrong if u meme me 1more time igona make DISS of u wont be any good

                                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                    ok meme


                                                                                                      Is something else than D+ and normal exist? any1?

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                                                                                                        if you think i am toxic you havent even seen these guys lmfao

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