General Discussion

General DiscussionBehaviour score > mmr

Behaviour score > mmr in General Discussion

    like of course its easy to motivate team when you begin a match by saying "let me mid i boost" with 1000 average gpm in profile

    or when you have so superior skill that you can carry even a feeder team.

    like even if my enemy has bad score or throws, i havent even seen one game where my enemy just does not try to win from the start, even if they say "gg end afk" they still defend how they can.

    i mean i have positive win rate, coz i win pretty much every game without ruiners or smurfs/boosters, so i can't really complain.

    i guess i have been compensated by good teammates who play well and really try to win in some of my games, huh.

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    Friendly player

      People's mood is not stable. One day they will feed next day they will commend everyone for no reason.


        on my main account i marked mute all incoming chat ! After 20 games it went from 45xz to normal
        .. Dont know its good or bad


          what is behaviour score ? idk


            Where did I find my BS?

            Friendly player

              in dota open console. Type "developer 1" and "dota_game_account_debug "


                except on the 1k bs acc i played support and coordinated them just to show that they're normal humans who can be approached like other normal humans, rather than just saying ''i'm boost i'll solo win you go afk or whatever''

                So you have either 2 options, which I've proven both to work:

                1. stop being an asshole to your teammates.

                2. mute all chat and play your game.

                Since in low mmr no one has any teamplay skill, regardless if they want to teamplay or not, they can't execute it. So muting a polite team vs muting a toxic team will make no objective difference. As i've proven that both your and the enemy team have the same amount of ruiners.

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                  As i've proven that both your and the enemy team have the same amount of ruiners.

                  in the long run - perhaps so. my particular 40 game sample - nope.

                  anyway im trying , thx for the tips everybody.

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                    you want me to prove that wrong?


                      I didn't see any score. It said my behavior score is normal.


                        You have to be really nasty to get D+. I went and checked what my old smurf that got sent to low priority from the number of reports it got (12 over 6 games because I either afked or won a big lead and then threw). It had a C behaviour. If you have a worse behavour score than that by consistently being a rude and abusive player then you deserve to get matched with equally as mean people.

                        And yeah go check out your past chat logs. Every second game you are flaming someone on your team in all chat (which means you would have been flaming them twice as much in team chat).


                          the only reason i ever flame players is intentional ruining.


                            @cookie i do not treat jungling or other bad behaviour as ruining. only ruining for me is when players intend to lose the game and actively try to do so. I'd like to see how you prove me wrong. I mean you are welcome to analyse my games or something, but any new games will be considered as invalid because that's not what my statement is about.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              stop lying, if you only would flame people tagt intentionally ruin you would have never gotten such a bad BS.

                              peopelr ruin in your games because you're a toxic cu nt and a bad player now gtfo and be a delusional crybaby somewhere else


                                i used to flame cores for playing really badly, and get reported by people who feed my enemy mid. but now i know better, and aim to better myself.

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Make a new account and start life anew
                                  You can have the beautiful behaviour score again
                                  What is so hard about that?

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    smurf detection exists now
                                    you can fool the system in some way or another but I doubt it's worth the time or effort


                                      i have ~100$ worth of hats thats why i hesitate.

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        You whether wear all those hats and blame behaviour score for shitty games
                                        Or play games with 9 good samaritans


                                          you forget that i would need to level to 20 which i cant be bothered doing.

                                          oh and all my accounts have low BS coz i used to have serious connection issues and abandoned a lot.


                                            Lmao mafioso logic has hit a new Low


                                              Delusion and bias is everywhere. Now that Bs has been revealed we are already seeing the usual retards who blame their team start to blame their behaviour score. Kinda like how they are stuck in BS Elo hell but deserve 10k BS. Lmao. unaware of their own cognitive biases making threads about BS instead of mmr. Gold


                                                I'm D Btw and games are playable. I notice a lot of Ruiners on the other team because I'm not retarded like mafioso

                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  diox 2 months ago
                                                  Omg this is Gold to see how mafioso thinks. It's truly wonderful the mind of the delusional. He's actually happy and thinks this supports his theory which he is 100% sure of and proved through his experience. AYYFukkin lmao!
                                                  I don't know how one guy can struT in front of an entire forum making an ass of himself with his very obvious Low intelligence strings of thought and act like he's right. What the fuk lol

                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                    the despair in cuki's eyes , after his "defeat"XD

                                                    "Brutal. Savage. Rekt. 21 hours ago
                                                    Ma i ja cu prestat dolazit, sve retardirano." > " i will, not comme anymore here, all retarded ".

                                                    ueee, ueeeeeeee, "babycry",, people dont see me anymore as theyr " prophet ", cause igot exposed as a duning kruger, after i insulted people, about something that i had no idea how it works, but i did'nt care , i still flamed and insulted them , by calling them duning kruger idiots. Now, that im proven wrong , that makes me " indirectly " the duning kruger idiot " one , " but this cant be real, i can never be wrong , i am cukigod , kids here used to see me as a " prophet" and trusted blindly in my "wisdom " , it is something wrong with this community nowdays , they are all retarded. ( cause they dont agre with me anymore, i've been left behind ) .

                                                    " fuck this retarded community , im out of here " .. tears in his eyes ... " ue, ueee, babycry.

                                                    "GODDAMN MAFIOSO OOOOOOOOOOOOO" , I HOPE HE BURN'S IN HELL .


                                                    Friendly player

                                                      wtf? :?

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        What's new, retards will always find something to blame. No matter how bad you are, it is always "hidden pool", "shadow pool", "reports", "behaviour score", "50% winrate conspiracy", or whatever else you need. Meanwhile there are people who grind MMR because they are good at the game and do not suffer from any of those problems (or care about them), because they are not delusional or mentally retarded.