General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to rant about OC cards

I want to rant about OC cards in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Piece of shit Asus strixx OC card GTX 750TI that is supposed to run at 1202mhz is running on 3Dmark 1150 - 1250mhz, meanwhile shitstain from denmark mods the shit out of it reaching stable 1411mhz without moving an inch.

    G fucking G, Asus incompetent shits.


      Nobody cares.

      1st class tourist

        Oc it manually u rrtard


          Giff me Wingman

            Oc it manually u rrtard

            Oh yeah lets OC higher so the trash throttles even harder causing it to literally have even more massive FPS drops. You are a retarded dipshit that has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

            A german guy basicially asked me to mod his card because he kept playing games like Fallout 4, getting massive FPS dropsto the 30s, and being sad. I checked the card saw that it ran unstable as fuck, so I had to mod the card. He now runs Fallout at stable 60FPS and stable 1.4ghz core clock instead of unstable shit cores. Asus fucked up big time on the power department.

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            Mode : TOPSON

              I remember danishblunt debate with 3k guy about new ryzen and Intel :thinking:

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              1st class tourist

                @danishautism, the only reason why it would throttle is because it would get too hot perhaps invest in a better cooling solution you subhuman shit stop being so poor and then ranting about equally poor fucking performance

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                Giff me Wingman

                  No you dumb retarded shitfuck, the reason it throttled was because asus did a very poor job in the power department, they limited the card to 1.03volt on 1.2ghz which the silicon couldn't run stable at, not only that but they limited the card to only be able to get 38Watts in total from the slot, obviously you retard think the card which ran at 47c on stresstest would be throttled by the temp LULULULULUULULUL

                  This happens when an amateur tries to talk smart, fucktard go suck on your mothers tits you trash. Don't try to talk to the big guys.

                  Fucking kids these days.

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                    BIG GUYS LUL this 4k tard sees himself as big guy lmfao.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      4k trash that struggles in 3k calls blue star 4k.


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                        4k moron

                        Giff me Wingman

                          1st class tourist

                            Weeh weeh my poor human card doesnt run good weeh weeh


                              blunt 4k dog HAHAAAA

                              meteor hammer



                                  1st class tourist

                                    Show pic of 48c on full load
                                    Card draws 70 ish watt on full load without oc and around 60s when gaming. Where r u getting 38watt from?

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      The vbios of the card, it holds information about max load, clocks, booststates, temp limit etc.

                                      Can't show you pic of 48c full load anymore because the GPU is now modded, but I can give you 1.4ghz 52c on full load.

                                      4k animal hanter struggle in 3k, you might even be 3k at this point you trash.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        lol blunt 4k xd tard

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          lol hanter 3k tard, struggle in 3k.

                                          @hanter & JDF8

                                          1st class tourist

                                            "Modded" as in overclocked? You can easily get the 750ti ~1.4ghz on the core and ~1.6ghz on the memory


                                              bluntard 4k xd

                                              Giff me Wingman


                                                Modded as in modded. The card won't even run stable at 1.2ghz (it's the version without extra power pin). The version with the 6pin PCI-E Connector can overclock up until 1.4ghz stable if u're lucky with silicon, but modded with the 6pin on the card can reach up to ~1.9ghz stable.

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  is it a bird is it a plane no its 4k bluntard

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    is it a bird is it a plane no its 3k hantertard


                                                      dont steal my joke 4k trash

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        stf u're trash 3k animal, I can steal from you whenever I want.

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          Blunt is a good player tho


                                                            blunt is horse shit 4k player xD

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              Hanter 3k animal talking to superior players ROFL

                                                              See this guy? He's the classic retard, he OC's with MSI afterburner, gets unstable clocks at 1.4ghz. Heaven benchmark doesn't even stress his GPU 100%, meaning if he would run 3dmark, witcher 3 etc. he would get unstable 1.4ghz in those games and hit power limits, so not even this guy can run 1.4ghzstable and he has the version with 6pin.

                                                              He could only manage to get around 1.35ghz on stable 100% usage. So his PC-e 6pin GTX 750 is inferior to the modded non 6pin I made, which runs at stable 1.4ghz without any drops on 100% stressttest usage.

                                                              OC cards are a fucking joke.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                superior? u are inferior u dumb 4k dog xd

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  I'm way superior to you, you dumb 3k dog.


                                                                    Pretty sure im the superior one mr slave, u are my dog.

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      you're not even superior to a half dead grandma that plays dota you animal. Stop dreaming 3k animal.


                                                                        4k slave boy


                                                                          The fact that this 4k account buyer(who claims that he's 6k) rants about GPU's at Dotabuff forum says it all.

                                                                          Stupid little atention *hore.


                                                                            What even more fun is that he only got blue star because he won a party game and his party mmr is like 5k and his solo mmr is 4k, this guy is a total downie.




                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                oh look, 3k animal protects his 3k fellow, HOW ADORABLE!

                                                                                Also hanter displaying his ultra autistic brain, YO SHIT FOR BRAINS, YOU CAN'T GET BLUE STAR WITH 5K PARTY LULULULULUULULULULULULULULULULULULL

                                                                                WAIT!, Is that why you madea smurf to party yourself to 5k to get a blue star?! HAHAHAHAHAH TOUGH LUCK ASSHOLE, ONLY SOLO

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                  Explain then how you got blue star when you only played party games xDDD

                                                                                  I checked those games you played in, you're losing against 3.5k-4.5k players and it's not even funny.
                                                                                  You're fucking awful. If you claim to be a 6k-7k player you need to have some kind of autism because there's no way a 6k/7k player can be so bad against 3.5k-4.5k players.

                                                                                  Classic 4k bluntard.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                    ROFL Autist 3k can't read HAHAHAHAHAHAH

                                                                                    It's because you need to play 1 RANKED GAME, in order for it to update, you don't have to play ranked solo, it doesn't matter what kind of ranked you play, as long ur solo is above 5k YOU DIPSHIT ROFL

                                                                                    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Yo ReTaRd:

                                                                                    3K ANIMALS LULULULULULULUULULULULULLU

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                      You know what's even more funny? I checked most of ur solo games and literally all 5 enemy players are between 3.5k-4.5k and you're getting destroyed in those games.

                                                                                      You had 1 game where 1 guy was 6.2k but that happends sometimes when a 6k gets into a 4k match. I've had it happen to me to but your other games everyone is around 4k. What even more funny is that this 6.2k player was 6.2k 5 months ago, I checked his games that he plays in now and he's aswell playing against 4.5k-5.3k players every game which means he's around ~5k himself.

                                                                                      Please stop fooling people, you're a 4k trash player and you know it.

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                                                                                        He's so funny. I like him. :D

                                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                                          HAHAHA HANTER DISPLAYING PURE AUTISM AGAIN HAHAHAHAHAAHHA


                                                                                          hanters Logic:
                                                                                          I don't want him to be above 4k, so I will write lots of bullshit and completely ignore the fact that you cannot get blue star without having at least 5k SOLO.

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                                                            You only play against 3.5k-4.5k players every single game and you still lose most of them aswell where you constantly feed and play like shit.

                                                                                            You're fucking bad dude give it up man, you're an average 4k player at best.

                                                                                            1st class tourist

                                                                                              Hanter the 4k analytic

                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                MY NAME IS HANTER, I'M AUTSITIC AS FUCK AND STRUGGLE IN 3K ROFL

                                                                                                I give LOTS of shit in party games or in Int ranked, we completely ignore the fact that I ltierally only played 3 games every week just to get slark rumbe roll. BECAUSE HANTER WANTS ME TO HAVE 4K MMR ROFL


                                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                  MY NAME IS BLUNT, I CLAIM TO BE 6K YET IM LOSING MOST OF MY GAMES IN THE 4K BRACKET WHERE IM ONLY PLAYING AGAINST 4KS ROFL HAHAHAHAHAHA LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL XD

                                                                                                  1st class tourist

                                                                                                    lLoLoLoLoLoLLLlOPoOPlOLoLOlOlOLoLOLoLlOLLoPoPLoOLOLlPoPpPoPopOPoPOPoPo xdd d d S Dd

                                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                      MY NAME IS HANTER, I STRUGGLE IN 3K AND FLAME PEOPLE WHO ARE VASTLY SUPERIOR BECAUUSE:


                                                                                                        He doesn't want you to have 4k MMR, you are 4k MMR. Deal with it you lil shit