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    ШΞΔΡ0И X

      Nature was the main reason why EG lost to both Liquid and Secret....


        Nice write up

        casual only

          Ahh...sprout. Good ol' sprout that killed Arteezy's dreams. RIP

          Dink Blagger

            Should mention a very very situational BattleFury in the last slot. If you are against an NP lategame, he can easily control you through BKB. Even worse, unless your teammates have tree clearing abilities, they can't even force staff you if you're BKB'd. The stats on the item are meh lategame, but cleave stacks additively so it's a decent slot (definitely only worth against NP or if the enemies have megas)

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              Yeah Sprout was pretty ridiculous against RTZ's Sven. I guess he could've built a Battelfury instead of a Rapier, which would provide also some damage and extra cleave, which isn't necessarily needed but better than get caught in a sprout and lose the Rapier.
              Also he couldn't get forced out because his BKB was activated

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                P E R E V O D C H I K


                  I think this post should mention that some people tend to build HoTD first then disassemble into MoM and Armlet. This has been pretty popular for about 3 patches, and it coincides with what the article says about Armlet + Lifesteal.


                    Yeah guys don't pick sven against beastmaster, you'll just end up stunning the boar.


                      Please express your thoughts more simply, for rus speaker it is hard to read your posts even with google translate. Thx!




                          Meh , russian is my native language and i can tell that text is just fine .


                            mask of madness buff please


                              I feel that this increase in pro and pub gameplay will result in a nerf in the next patch. He's gotten some significant starting damage buffs for the last couple patches...

                              El Flashbango

                                Don't agree with Butterfly, especially against OD. You just BKB and right-click his ass. If he astrals himself - you kill his team while he does no damage. If not - too bad for him. The AGI of Butterfly is pretty much lost on Sven (unlike, say, on Tiny, who can build a Manta and push like crazy), your MS is fine without Flutter, so only evasion is good, but it's easier to ask your allies to build a Solar Crest, since it's already a must-buy for a team with a physical damage dealer.
                                Also, I really think Rapier is absolutely redundant on Sven. In that Secret vs EG game Daedalus plus a second Moon Shard or an Abyssal would have done so much more for less money and no risk (and also having a Quelling Blade on somebody and saving Vacuum for the Sprout).


                                  beast master best counter indeed.

                                  yeah right

                                    Yup, Russian is my native too and it's really simple to read


                                      You didn't mention quelling blade which works soooo well with Svens high base dmg(building stats items) and cleave. But good post anyway :)

                                      Nero Scarlet

                                        What if sven picked up a force staff himself?


                                          @pocket sand - Sven is slot limited, an important point to mention. Your item progression is pretty linear and you get slot limited quickly. Boots + sny + bkb + blink + HoD + tp = no force. Sure you could sub for the blink dagger but it isn't nearly as good.

                                          Tarog Skwela Undangi Nang...
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                                            Tarog Skwela Undangi Nang...

                                              Treant Protector is also a good counter, Overgrowth (AOE Ensnare) + Living Armor... Or the Euls + Dagger Escape... OmniKnight :)


                                                @Pocket Sand
                                                What if Sven picked up Battle Fury?

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                                                  Armlet Sven is good because it gives u more basedmg when activated = more ulti dmg (not even mentioned). Regular dmg items wont do that. Armlet gives u the normal itemdmg, the str basedmg and when activated the str basedmg 3 times with ulti activated. together with a bit attackspeed and for just 2700g its a must have, even when unskilled in my opinion.

                                                  Hima Parvata

                                                    I think omniknight is also the best counter for sven


                                                      So Sven definitely does not have the strongest single target right click; that honor goes to CK with his illus (and I see no reason illusions shouldn't count since in CK's case they tend to be functionally just a damage bonus to whoever hes going on). Sven's +200% pales in comparison to CK's +300-400% and innate crit. Also you could make a good argument for OD doing more single target damage late. Even without any int steal the bonus damage from orb can go quite high and its pure damage, so the high armor you tend to get in late game means nothing to it.


                                                        Where is Shadow Demon's ultimate spell as a counter ?


                                                          After Sven has lost his initial focus, he is still capable of running extremely fast and is generally tanky enough to get bursted down.
                                                          Just a little missing word there (middle of third paragraph on Dealing with Sven). Shouldn't it be "generally tanky enough to NOT get bursted down"?

                                                          Anyway, is building Aghs for the team +150% AoE damage recommended? Especially on teams with two or three other physical auto-attackers? Assuming you're not running him as Pos 1.

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                                                          Bear of the Polar Variety

                                                            What about blademail? It would be good against another hard hitting right-clicker like Juggernaut or PA?


                                                              Nice article! I would like something like this for Beastmaster, too, it's a hero that has found his place back in the meta.


                                                                what's the point of this article exactly? casual sven dotabuff game written down?

                                                                about 3-4 meaningful sentences in that wall, amount of work to write that down could be used somewhere else :(


                                                                  "@Pocket Sand
                                                                  What if Sven picked up Battle Fury?"

                                                                  @Soultrap have you tried Battle Fury? Battle Fury is an expensive way to counter one spell and I don't love it. Sven already has cleave and there are better damage items. I would rather try to talk one of my supports into getting a force staff or carrying a quelling blade and try to force out the sprout before popping BKB. It stinks that force doesn't go through BKB so you have to have good communication and coordination to ensure you can be as effective as possible.

                                                                  @BOT Tom I have played a lot of PA and Blademail becomes a waste of an item as soon as PA gets BKB. Jugs ult also just ignores Blademail. Sven can farm really fast so saving up for an AC if you're worried about taking too much physical damage or an MKB for PA's evasion and just killing her are better investments.


                                                                    i dont get it why he glorified beast master, the main counter to sven are the guys who take him out of the fight like od and stuff. but hay i feel like im goin to be fighting alot of beast masternow though 8/


                                                                      "Tempo controller" is the most meaningless buzzword.

                                                                      Spooky King


                                                                        I enjoyed the article. This is a website designed for improving your game, and discussing meta is apart of that. As I newish player (1000ish games) it helps me keep up with heros I generally don't play. I don't think saying someone's work is useless and is one more thing that shows we are a toxic community.


                                                                          Also worth mentioning Venomancer's skill kit destroys Sven, as Venomous Gale's slow is not purged by popping bkb and his right click slows go through spell immunity as well.


                                                                            Another mention should be pugna with he's built in ghost scepter, if they pick a likens and Aghs it is a losing fight for sven 1v1


                                                                              I dont think sprout counters sven that hard, its more of eg playstyle that does not prefer force staff and or tusk that much.

                                                                              FluteString Vulcan

                                                                                all build halberd for sven, and we are good..A T T A C

                                                                                wait question, if Sven use BKB, u can still cast Halberd? sorry noob question..ahehe

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                                                                                4х руинеров в студию
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                                                                                    @FluteString Vulcan try in a lobby ^^


                                                                                      The butterfly choice is valid, but I feel halberd might do the job better for sven while offering more of what he wants anyway

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                                                                                        @FluteString Vulcan - BKB makes you immune to the disarm effect of halbred and removes it if it's on you.


                                                                                          S&Y is super overrated in Sven. Going cristalys + blink is 2k cheaper, and increases you farm rate and kill potential. You dont really need the extra movility and tankiness S&Y provides, since you have warcry and are naturally tanky. After blink, finish daedalus and start 2 shooting people, and thats what Sven really needs: quick kills before getting kited.


                                                                                            yasha provide attack speed unless you want to poke someone every 2 seconds.


                                                                                              attack speed? what matter is dps, not just one variable. Compare sven S&Y dps vs cristalys. With S&Y you need 5, 6 hits for sure to kill a target, with cristalys, one crit and no more than 2/3 hits. Finish daedalus (best sven item by far after blink) and wipe teams with one crit.

                                                                                              Check my dotabuff.

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                                                                                                @satanabar when do you get HoD? Do you prioritize ancients? How much do you focus on fighting?


                                                                                                  "Sven has poor attack animation" are you kidding me? He have one of the best imo, hard to miss a last hit.

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    They dont' build s&y for the attack speed, it's built for move speed primarily while still providing decent dps and hp. Hp on sven is obviously really good cus of his high natural armor and warcry.

                                                                                                    I'm surprised no mention of heart though. With god's strength it's 80 dmg and makes you incredibly tanky.


                                                                                                      sven battlefury isnt that bad against furion or forcestaff from supports instead lel