Player 1058384722

Player 1058384722Traguardi

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Filtra Trofei
Tutti gli eroi
Completati di Recente
Trofei più rari
Damage a lot of towers
Livello 7
10,000,000 / 10,000,000 (100%)
Completa tutti i seguenti:
  • Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Tower Damage

  • Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Tower Damage

  • Across multiple matches, get 500,000+ Tower Damage

  • Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Tower Damage

  • Across multiple matches, get 2,500,000+ Tower Damage

  • Across multiple matches, get 5,000,000+ Tower Damage

  • Across multiple matches, get 10,000,000+ Tower Damage

Visualizza Dettagli Completi